I would like to tune a piano that is in a remote place. Usually I would call a tuner but since there are none around it will just be too expensive.
I found out recently that there is software that helps to do this.
I know there is a lot to piano tuning that goes way beyond setting each key to its theoretical frequency. Namely the "untuned" extremes of the keyboard or particular aspects of each brand. I also found software where you actually mention the brand and what type of tuning you wish.
I also know tuners do more than just tuning. They often also enhance the sound of the piano by working the hammer head. But this is a different story.
How reliable is this software? Can you actually use a PC/Android/iPhone to tune a piano? Is the standard microphone enough or do you need a particular type to be more sensitive?
Do these have in consideration the age or brand of the piano among other particularities of tuning a piano?