Consider the notes breaking down like this:
A regular, non-dotted note should only span the duration of its children, or its child and immediate nephew. So a quarter note can land squarely on a beat, or can span the 2nd and 3rd or 6th and 7th eighth notes. It cannot span the 4th and 5th, or anything weird at the 16th note level.
A dotted note should only take up the first or last 3/4 of its parent. So a dotted half can start on beat 1 or 2, but not on the upbeat of 1.
In your picture, everything in the top staff is correct except for measure 6, which has a half note violating these rules. Double-dotted notes are questionable but generally acceptable, especially within a beat (a double-dotted 8th beamed with the 32nd completing the beat).
Measures 1 and 2 are fine either way (I prefer the half notes but not strongly), but I would personally prefer the dotted notes in measures 4 and 5. I prefer the bottom staff for measure 3 in this case. For measure 6, I would prefer the bottom to use a dotted quarter for the first two tied notes.