I'm planning to lead a small congregation in musical worship soon, just me and a guitar. I'd say the average person there is above average in singing ability simply by virtue of singing at church regularly, several also sing and play instruments.
However I'm still nervous of pushing the pitch high enough that some men might be beyond their natural range, one song in particular is quite low but has a high bridge with a big sustained E4. For me that's a comfortable power note right at the top of my chest voice but even a few months ago before I started vocal lessons it wouldn't have been.
I'm wondering if congregationally this is OK and people will naturally falseto that note or drop down, or will be awkward as half the men struggle.
I don't believe the song can easily be dropped a tone as then it is too low in the verse.
What advice would people offer - is this a problem and what should I do about it? I need to be able to sing confidently but so does the congregation.