Easy, smoke weed! No, seriously! That is what did it for me. Weed makes things much more interesting because you don't play mind games with what you are wanting to do.
The problem is that you don't find guitar interesting enough to practice, not that it isn't interesting. Things are as interesting as you make them.
"Boring" is just a word that has no meaning. What does it exactly mean? If you think about it, the reasons you don't practice is not because it is "boring" but because of a whole host of reasons.
You play the say material repeatedly and don't find the material interesting any more. (which you can then list the reasons why you don't find it interesting)
It is technically difficult to practice and you can't seem to get passed those issues with practice.
You have no reason to learn the material.
You don't have the time to practice.
So, in your mind, there are many issues you have with practicing and these issues are what keeps you from actually practicing or enjoying it. When you smoke weed, you will find that you are able to simply let all that stuff go and be part of the music or practice process. You realize that everything works together to be what it is. e.g., Practice is required to play better. So if you want to be a guitar player, you must practice... and then practicing becomes a thing in and of itself that you simply do... like breathing. There is no more fighting it just like you don't fight to breath.
So, while most will give you generic meaningless answers, the truth is simply that you have to decide what you want to do. Do you really want to be a guitar player? If so you better start liking the guitar and practice as much as you can. No amount of tricks can change that. You don't need weed ;) But it helped me get beyond the mental games that I realized I was playing after the fact.
It is all in your mind, once you realize that the world opens up. Because it isn't guitar playing that is stopping you, but you are stopping it. (e.g., insecurities, environment, etc all get in the way and you allow it to happen)
So, simply sit down, decide what you want in life. If you really want to be a guitar player(or anything), you have to do it and do it as much as you can.
Once I actually committed to playing, everything changed for me. I stopped wasting my time. I'd practice 5 mins if all I had. I learned the things I know I needed to know(how to read, how to learn songs, etc...). Of course, I'm still learning and I realize that it will be a life long process... but because I enjoy music for music(not for fame, money, etc) it doesn't matter. It is just something I do now, again, like breathing.
So, the point is, ultimately you have to figure it out because you have a unique set of problems that no other human being has. What I am telling you may or may not work for you. But what is at the root of all our problems is making the decisions to do what we think we want to do rather than just thinking about doing it. Most "guitar players" want to be great guitar players... but most "guitar players" don't actually want to be great guitar players. Same goes anything in life(great long distance runner, great actor, etc). The reasons are simple, it requires a lot of work, a change in mentality and personality, a change in life style, etc. Most humans don't wanna commit to such things because they are secure in their current situation.
But if you put guitar playing above everything else, you will achieve what you want, simple as that(not 100% absolute, but say 95%+).
I never get bored playing guitar or doing anything musical any more. While I still do quite a bit of mindless noodling/improvising, I enjoy that part greatly. I tend to work on my weaknesses because that is the obvious thing to do(people that say work on your strengths are idiots... you end up unbalanced and their is the law of diminishing returns). Since there are so many things one can work on one should never be bored.
e.g., learn some other styles(Jazz?, classical, R&B, Indian raga's, etc...?). Practice technique(learn all your scales in all keys, learn your arps, ornamentation, riff playing, phrases, learn all the notes on the neck, etc... (learn = KNOW instantaneously... not just that you "could" do it if you had to)). Go play with other musicians, learn another instrument, etc.
The world is infinite, so if you are truly bored then either you know everything or are actually confusing boredom with decisions.
Boredom is really simply not making decisions to do... In our modern society, with so many things to do(and many we are forced to), the decision making process is more complex than it has ever been. Boredom is really just the process of trying to figure out what to do. Most people don't like doing that because it wastes time but get trapped in it because of the large amount of choices that have to be "searched"... generally the result is doing "nothing"(being lazy).
See, it is very easy to do something once you know exactly what to do and why to do it. Figure those things out and you will solve all your problems(either specific to guitar or to anything including life itself).
The reason why you are not where you want to be is only because of you. Realize that and get out of your own way and you'll be where you want.
This is easy to prove: Take any reason you have for not being a better guitar player. e.g., say you have to work to pay the bills. Now realize that their is an alternative that will allow you to become a better guitar player. e.g., Could go live on the streets with no bills and play guitar all day long. So, a decision has to be made if you want to do that. The point is that it is not the work or the bills that are in the way but your decision to choose a shelter and food over guitar playing. It's all about decisions, and the cool thing is, once you decide that something must be(e.g., you wanting to be a professional guitar player = you can work and pay your bills AND play guitar simultaneously) then the decision making process gets easier because not you have removed a whole host of other possibilities(be a milk man, piano player, garbage man, POTUS, etc) and you now just have to start finding out how to transition from where you are currently to where you want to be(which you now know).
It's very easy(just time) to walk to your destination if you know where it is at, and impossible if you don't. Start walking...