I want to mark the fretboard, so that I can easily identify the notes of the scale. For example, I want to mark the notes of the C scale on the fretboard so that I can easily play it without trying to remember each note. How can I do this without damaging the fretboard? (for example, would putting a sticker on the fret damage the wood?)
P.S. For those who are interested, I ended up marking the fretboard with some pieces of tape. I marked the pentatonic scale and after I got the hang of things I removed the markings. (Of course I was able to only mark a scale with a specific root, but once I know one, it's the same pattern pushed along the fretboard). I didn't remove everything though, I still have the roots marked. I will remove them after I know them by heart. I didn't see any visible damage to the fretboard, but I took the risk because the guitar wasn't all that expensive and it wouldn't make sense to keep a nice guitar that I didn't know how to play.