Mainly because it's quite amateur! The D? It's just been left out!
I say quite amateur looking at the scale chart. D#, while it is a key/scale, is far more commonly known as, and written as Eb. The same goes for G#, which is better known as Ab.
Further down the list, there are glaring errors, with not a flat in sight. (Guitarists do use flats as well as sharps!), for instance, no scale should have two different notes with the same letter name - in G minor, the A# ought to be Bb.There are two blues scales, with flat fives, not #4s. There are two diminished - half/whole and whole/half. There should be two pents. I could go on...
I will. The whole tone C# ends on C. Impossible! I gave up after finding dozens of mistakes, but it goes to prove what I keep saying: just because it's on the 'net out there for the world and his dog to see does not give it any credence. And this seems to prove that in buckets!