I would like to start recording myself singing on audacity and I know I need a better hardware setup to get reasonable quality recordings, how ever I have no idea where to begin to do this. I am humbly completely aware of my own lack of knowledge on this topic and I would like to get the most basic advice.
I have already tried recording myself singing and playing the guitar with audacity using my computer's (lenovo g500s) built in microphone and both sound really bad. The sound is very tinny, and lacking in body, this is not just down to my level of talent in singing, as I can compare how my guitar sounds to my ear to how it sounds on the recording and there is a world of difference there.
I'm sure that one of the things I need is an external microphone, but is that all that I need? Is there some other hardware interface that I need to connect my mic to audacity, or can I just plug a mic in and it will immediately sound good?
Concretely, my question has three parts:
1) Will a better setup produce better quality recordings?
2) as stated above, what is the setup that I need to make reasonably decent recordings? E.g. a mic plus something else? I would like to continue using Audacity as I am a little accustomed to it, and it seems relatively easy to use. Plus I run Ubuntu on my laptop so Audacity is nice and compatible.
Thank you in advance for answering my very basic question!