I'm trying to typeset the following snippet of violin music. My first idea was to use two voices here but then I would not be able to make a slur between them. Is it possible without using manual placement of notes?

An upper voice of sixteenth rests and sixteenth notes, and a lower voice of eight notes. The notes in the lower voice are slurred to the notes in the upper voice.

1 Answer 1


Since the lower voice is eighth notes and the upper voice is sixteenth notes, my recommendation would be to use separate voices. Here is one possible solution:

\version "2.19.63"

music = \relative c'' {
      f16\rest b, e\rest a, 
      f8 e
      \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0
      \hideNotes f16_( b) e,_( a)

\score {
  \new Staff \music
  \layout { }

which compiles

enter image description here

Another option would be to put f16 b e, a in a single voice, but change the flags on the lower two pitches to be eighth notes instead of sixteenth notes.

  • 2
    Minor quibble: The "hooks" of short rests should go in spaces (not on lines), i.e. that second rest looks better centred on "F" or possibly "D" (not "E"). Commented Oct 6, 2023 at 6:27

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