I have been learning to play guitar for 2 years (for 1 year a bit more) now and I am getting faster and faster in changing from chord to chord.
Nevertheless, I realize that I don't grab those chords THAT correct as I wish to, and so I have made a step back to learn to change those chords slow, but in a "correct, beautiful way" (like grabbing the B-Barré-Chord with a - more or less - straight Barré-finger and the other fingers "beautifully" near the next fret), and then going slow steps forward.
And it's really hard to change from chord to (Barré-) chord in a "correct and beautiful" but also fast way - if you know what I mean. When trying to do it correct and beautifully I am doing VERY slow steps in getting faster at changing chords.
What would you recommend me to do? Going the way from slow to fast in very slow steps, so with grabbing the (Barré-)chords "beautifully and correct" or just trying to get as fast as possible (But without hearing a strange-string-sound of course because it doesn't get pressed correct)?