I have created the following Lilypond code:
% one octave above middle c
song = {
\relative c'' {
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 66
c c d e
f4 f c d
e1 | \break
e4 e f e
d e d2
c4 d c a
g1 | \break
d'2 d4 b
e4 f e d
c1 | \break
c4 d e f
g2 e
f4 e d c
c1 \bar "|."
\score {
\chords {
c d:m f:m c
a:m d f:m c
g c d f
f:m c2 a d:m g c
\new Staff { \song }
\new TabStaff { \song }
which produces both the melody in the staves and the backing chords:
I want to add fret diagrams for the backing chords by using
\include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly"
but if I use ChordMode, then it seems that the notes in the staves become the chords.