So we always have like in dance music 4/4 and like 4 kicks in one bar with two claps or snares on every second beat going and let's say I add some bassline that plays totally different rhythm/pulse (not sure for correct term) and now they are playing against each other, making music sound more interesting but still flow together. What is it called in music? I know that this is not polymeter or polyrhythm. Then I keep adding more instruments like strings and drones playing some even more different rhythms that plays like one note a bar let's say and some arps that plays 1/16 a bar. I'm just looking for definition of this and where I could learn more how to layer these different voices playing against each other in different rhythms/pulses for interesting variation.
I have an example of this first track in the beginning:
There is drums, man's voice saying "mhmm" every 4 beats, some different rhythm bells in the background and some other stuff going on.