I've been playing guitar for 7 years already. Throughout the years my ear developed and I started to notice intonation issues. I've been trying to fix it, but I never could.
I adjusted the truss rod, set saddle height, adjusted string length, but my intonation always is sharp (saddles can't go back more any more, even removed springs, but it didn't help).
Last month I accidentally dropped my guitar(ouch), the nut broke apart and I bought a replacement. Put it in hoping that maybe my nut was problematic and it would fix intonation, but to no avail.
A week ago I put my capo on the first fret and tuned my guitar to F(Because of intonation problem, even though I had it tuned to E standard before putting capo on, it was tuned to F+10-30 cents) and checked intonation that way. It was spot on. I thought that maybe nut was too high, I have a spare one so I didn't mind messing with this one and lowered it, but there was no change.
Has anybody had same experience? Do you know if this problem is fixable? If yes, how?
I've been at it for a long time already and I can't seem to fix it. My Guitar is 17-20 years old already (I Don't know the exact date of release). It's a Fender Squier Stagemaster HSS. So might it just be an age problem and should I keep it for just sentimental value(it is my first electric guitar) and buy a new one?
EDIT - I Got It Working
Sorry for not updating for two weeks already. I've been at it, trying to fix the issue. All of the answers here were helpful, but none of them worked.
Just now, I thought that maybe something was wrong with the neck angle and it needed a shim. I unbolted the neck and found a really thin, pressed piece of paper. I've bought this guitar used, so I guess someone thought that a piece of paper was a good enough shim. I replaced it, even added a little bit more angle and can say that somehow, after adjusting action, my intonation is correct now. Although I had to remove all of the saddle springs to tighten bolts to max, it works.
So this is it. If somebody has the same issue, research neck shims.