I've been practicing the guitar for a few months now and am currently learning a song that requires me to slide from the 10th and 12th fret on the A and B string down to the third and fifth frets, respectively. Muting other strings in this case is not an issue, but my question still applies to when you'd want to avoid muting the adjacent strings.
When I slide down, I naturally end up in a position similar to this:
I find this position comfortable on my fingers and my wrist isn't bent much. However, in live recordings and video tutorials online, such chords are fingered more similar to this: The difference I want to demponstrate with the picture is how here, all 4 fingers point in the same direction (towards the player, in this case). For me, this position does look more "right" - but it's also hard for me to fret the strings like that, without at the same time bending my wrist at an uncomfortable angle.
Is the way I'm fretting the strings now "bad", as in, is it more likely to cause injuries or to hold back progress? If it is, I would like to improve - could you explain as detailed as possible how to properly fret a chord like this (I have the same issue with power chords on an electric guitar)?