In complex piano music, one sometimes notates the notes over an additional stave - though I cannot say for sure I always know the reason. Here's an example from Stravinsky's Firebird, arranged by Agosti:
I myself cobbled together an arrangement of the finale of Shosty's 11th symphony for solo piano. The ending features a loud melody across the register and dominant percussion underneath, which I transcribed like this: I elected to put the percussion on a separate staff, even though it is also played by the left hand, because:
- it is of a very different character from the chords
- it is pseudo-optional - you could add any actual percussion instrument to replace this
- I personally found this more readable
But, as I am not actually schooled in engraving (I do this just for fun), chances are not everyone will agree with me.
Is this a proper use of a separate stave? If so, or if not, when does one add additional staves to piano music? What factors does one consider?