In German music-notation, we know the term "tacet" in order to say the musician not to play his chords for a while. How can that be typeset with lilypond? It's similar to "N.C.", but in most common books the text "tacet" is printed.
1 Answer
It depends on how you want the tacet to be printed. A simple
R1*20 ^ \markup{Tacet}
will print the word 'Tacet' above the staff:
Combine it with \compressFullBarRests
for a short version:
Thanks for your fast reply. I've tried: the definition CMString = { <c e g>-\markup { \whiteout { \hspace #-2 "Tacet" } } } CMStringX = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions CMString #t) ignatzekExceptions) and use: \set chordNameExceptions = #CMStringX c \unset chordNameExceptions but my "a" is always overlined. Any idea?– AndreasCommented Jan 4, 2020 at 19:44