Linked Questions

22 votes
8 answers

The practical difference between 2/2 and 2/4 time [duplicate]

In practice, what is the difference between 2/2 and 2/4? Doesn't the emphasis fall in the same place either way?
Adrian's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Do time signatures make sense? [duplicate]

Most people have probably thought at one time or another, why isn't 4/4 time the same as say 8/8 time or 2/2 time? (Anyone who knows about reducing fractions can attest to that). I think time ...
zooby's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

The importance of cut time [duplicate]

I have wondered for a while what the purpose of Cut Time (2/2) actual is. While studying music theory I've always been told the reason is to reduce the use of eighth notes and sixteenth notes in a ...
Dom's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

On the difference between 4/4 and 4/2 time signatures [duplicate]

I am new to music theory and I was going through this video on YouTube to understand time signatures. The author mentions that the top number indicates number of beats. I understand what this means. ...
prananna's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Difference between time signatures [duplicate]

What is the difference between 4/4 and 8/8 time? 4/4 means 4 crotchets in a bar and 8/8 means 8 quavers in a bar, but 4 crotchets mean 8 quavers. Is it just a question of notation? If so, why isn't ...
Incognito's user avatar
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Choosing common time or alla breve [duplicate]

From a technical standpoint, there is no real difference between common time and alla breve at half the frequency per beat (e.g. quarter note = 160 under 4/4 or half note = 80 under 2/2). Generally, I ...
Tony's user avatar
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What's the practical differences between 4/4 and 4/8? (or 4/2, and so on) [duplicate]

I read a lot on the web about this topic, but the answer I got mainly is "depends on how composer will write the sheet music", and it seems a convention. What (in practical) will change? ...
markzzz's user avatar
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cut time vs common time [duplicate]

i understand that 2/2 or cut time has 2 beats as opposed to 4/4 or common time, but how does this actually sound different? if you took a piece and played if it was notated as being 4/4 and then ...
jackseven's user avatar
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46 votes
11 answers

Is there any practical difference between 3/4 and 3/8 time?

Is there any practical difference between 4/4 and 8/8? regards a common and unusual time signature; both 3/4 and 3/8 time are pretty common. What difference in performance is implied in the the ...
Dave's user avatar
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43 votes
8 answers

Is there a difference between 2/4 and 4/4

I cannot figure out the actual difference between these two beats. Isn't it sufficient to have only 2/4 (or 4/4 )?
DinushanM's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

What do the 3/4 and 4/4 numbers mean?

In music notation, I've always been looking for a simple explanation of those numbers that appear on the far left of musical piece, such as 3 over 4 or 4 over 4. I have a hunch they affect the ...
BeemerGuy's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How does the bottom number of the time signature affect counting?

I have learnt all the complicated mathematics subjects in my school, but that bottom number, I can't understand. Ok, the notation will be different, and it will say what kind of note gets the beat, ...
NathanN707's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

What is the importance of tempo and time-signatures?

What is the importance of tempo and time-signatures? Aren't tempo and time-signatures all interchangeable? 4/8 at 60 BPM can be also described as 4/4 at 120 BPM. Can't a 60 BPM tempo be transcribed to ...
user488792's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Does a time signature imply accents?

Does a time signature imply accents by default? For example, in 4/4 time should I accent every quarter beat? Should I accent the first beat of each bar? If yes, how should I notate a piece where ...
user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

I'm not sure if I'm executing these instructions on piano time signature correctly

I'm learning piano on my own and I'm using a workbook (Ben Dunnett). Below is the link to my interpretation of what this task is asking (video on YouTube). I know I've played this in common time as I'...
Two Mice's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should I have the time signature change from 4/4 to 2/4 or from 2/2 to 2/4?

So, I am composing another piece that involves time signature switching. I'm starting with the piano solo improvisation that I recorded and I'm thinking of expanding it from solo piano to orchestra. ...
Caters's user avatar
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Practical steps to "play in 2/4"?

Playing a sax piece written in 4/4 at 120 bpm I was told it would sound better in 2/4 sound smoother the "longer beat would sound better" and make it easier for me to up the tempo. But I ...
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