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Questions tagged [beaming]

For questions about use of beaming in notation. Questions should most likely also contain the notation tag.

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3 votes
2 answers

LilyPond: tuplet bars don't seem to match time used

Please take a look at these three snippets, from a piece in 4/4 time. LilyPond 2.24.3 via Frescobaldi in MacOS. e8 (b e4~ \tuplet 5/8{ e32 d cis d e} d8\noBeam) r8 \acciaccatura{fis8} fis'2~ fis16 ...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do you read chords with beams?

I am having a trouble reading chords with four-noted beams. Do they divide up in half as marked in the picture? And also, the score is in non-SATB setting, I assume it is because "Harp" is ...
Sean's user avatar
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Tie and Beam notes simultaneously in MuseScore 3

I have beam and tie notes as: In my Score I got: In the nex: I got: Is it possible to fix the tie using beam simultaneously? How to do it in MuseScore 3?
joseluisbz's user avatar
5 votes
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LilyPond - Put ALL noteheads to the left of stems, regardless of stem direction

I handwrote this score a while ago I'm trying to transcribe. You can see that all the noteheads are to the left of the stems, regardless of which way the stem is pointing. Lots of old handwritten ...
DWW256's user avatar
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Can Lilypond typeset French beaming?

Consider following example: { g'16 d'' e'' d'' } Is there a way to obtain the so-called French beaming? Here, vertical stems are not shown in between the beams (examples from here).
Karlo's user avatar
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Linking quaver and semiquaver beams over a rest with LilyPond

I am transcribing the Sentimental Tango for four hands by Vasha Azarashvili. And I'd like to obtain this: But my code (in Italian, but surely you get the point) \language "italiano" <...
Juan Chô's user avatar
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Second-to-last measure (m. 33) of Chopin Op 9 No 2

The second-to-last measure of Chopin's Op.9 No.2 has two voices(?). The very first double note (G-Eb2) on right hand, how do you tell which is that "other voice" and which one goes with the ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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Chopin Op. 9 No. 2 Measure 24 beats

(1) In my Henle Verlag edition of Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2, the third group of notes in Measure 24 has a single beam between the first 7 notes and the last 3 notes (see red arrow). Other editions ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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Lilypond: How do I get horizontal beams for both stem-up and stem-down notes?

Looking at Force note beams to be horizontal, I see how I can force beams to be horizontal. The accepted answer works only for stem-up notes. If there are also stem-down notes, there's a mess. So I ...
Frotz's user avatar
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How to write cross staff beams in Noteflight?

In the middle section of Symphony No 5 by Beethoven, I see some cross staff beams (marked in red): Can you please tell me how to write them in Noteflight?
Vighnesh's user avatar
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Splitting the beat in two when beaming a fast phrase in a slow piece

I have a slowish piece for cello (with piano) that has sections of 6-tuplets and various other groups of very short notes where the phrasing implies a double-time feel, so it's much easier to count if ...
Wilskt's user avatar
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What does a beam with no notes signify? (semiquaver beam in my case) [duplicate]

I have the below measure showing what appears a semiquaver beam for 1 beat without notes in the middle of the bar. What does this mean?
Fiztban's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation

My music theory studies ended 20 years ago, but I am busy with some notation by combining piano accompaniment with vocals for solo piano, for personal use. So, in 4/4 time, music theory dictates that ...
Theron Smith's user avatar
7 votes
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Finale writing problem, four cross-beamed eighths

How do I enter cross-beamed eighth notes in Finale?
ogi-joo's user avatar
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Finale v26 break top beam of a 16th note

I'm trying to create the above form of notation in finale. All I can muster is the below. Any insights?
Stephen Muzzi's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Can't understand 16th notes connected by beams [duplicate]

The following section (mm. 49–52) is from "Metamorphosis II" by Philip Glass with 4/4 signature. I don't understand how beats are adding up: There are 4x6 16th notes in each G clef measure, ...
doubleE's user avatar
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3 answers

Instances of note beams across measures

How rare was it, in classical and romantic periods, for composers to notate eighth note and sixteenth note beams across measures? Are there examples from composers other than Schubert? In two of ...
Thomas Andrews's user avatar
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Can lilypond grace note beams be added to regular beams?

I'm engraving Bach Invention 4 (D Minor) BWV775 in Lilypond and the existing score has grace notes (measure 37) beamed from a regular note: My reading of
timbo's user avatar
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Grouping and Beaming rules for specific time signatures

The question asks to rewrite the notes according to the grouping and beaming rules of the given time signature. The first picture is the question and the second picture is my answer to it. Am I ...
Swaraj's user avatar
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Grouping and beaming 6/4 time signature

I am confused about how to group the 1st bar, I think the half note will remain untouched, the two eighth notes will be joined. The quarter note will also stay as it is and then all the remaining ...
Swaraj's user avatar
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3 answers

Have I correctly understood which hand plays which notes in cross-staff beaming?

I am a piano beginner and am learning by myself. I'm very confused about the upper notes (original sheet), and I rewrite them to become the lower notes (rewrite sheet). My question is that are they ...
Polo Tv's user avatar
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Beams broken/unbroken with rests - meaning and usage

Shown in the circled parts of the image, are two different ways of representing a beam that spans a sixteenth note - a sixteenth rest - a sixteenth note: In one of them, the beam is broken at the ...
saraf's user avatar
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How to represent beams broken with rests in LilyPond

I'm trying to write the following in LilyPond notation: As shown in the circled parts of the image, there are two different ways of representing a beam that spans a sixteenth note – a sixteenth rest –...
saraf's user avatar
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How do you "think of" notes in groups which consist of a sequence of repeating notes which are in separate beams?

The title sounds awkward (please feel free to modify it); what I mean is: When you see the bars such as Bar 40 below (similarly Bar 37), do you think of it as DDD AAA FFF DDD (orange marking, grouped ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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Can I align the stem-beams in MuseScore?

I am writing drums exercises and I want to get a clear visual helping to read the timing. Is it possible to align vertically all the beams? By default it depends on the note-pitch so it may vary. I ...
ymoreau's user avatar
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how to force lyrics under manually beamed notes

If I do not specify any manual beams and let the algorithm do it, lyrics are put at each note: \relative { g'4 e8 g8 g4 e8 g } \addlyrics { a b c d e f } But if I do it manually and forbid the ...
Kjara's user avatar
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3 answers

How to calculate notes beats and properly draw notes beams?

I am fairly new to music theory and i find these 2 topics related but not explained in depth in...pretty much every resource i have found. How are beats normally calculated? I went through the ...
Flonne's user avatar
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Beam on top and beam at the bottom on a music sheet

I am new to sheet music. I am trying to recreate in Guitar Pro, corresponding to guitar strumming, the music sheet notation of the picture below. The timing is 4/4 and tempo is 120. I am unable to ...
seccpur's user avatar
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4 answers

Grouping three quarter notes in 6/8 time signature

I'm writing a piece of music in 6/8 time signature. Is it correct to have a bar with 3 quarter notes in this time signature?
Julius Baimunya's user avatar
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Can you put one demisemiquaver rest inside a group of 4 demisemiquavers?

I did a picture with 2 examples so you guys can see what I mean. Please can you tell me if blue or red is better?
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3 answers

What are the benefits of using no beams in simple vocal melody? [duplicate]

I've noticed some of my favorite musicians went out of their way to use no beams while writing vocal melodies. Why would they choose to exclude beams? There are beams in the music but not the vocal ...
Pabble Goobs's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

If the first D note (in the 1st beam) is flat, does that mean the next D note (in the 2nd beam) is also flat? (see photo) [duplicate]

If the first D note (in the 1st beam) is flat, does that mean the next D note (in the 2nd beam) is also flat? (see photo)
Joseph's user avatar
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Manual beam with chord and single note in lilypond

I want to make a manual beam - on left side its a chord and to the right a single note. What I tried was <f''8 a''8> [c'8] which gives : 'error: syntax error, unexpected UNSIGNED' How to ...
Vinod's user avatar
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MuseScore 3 Prevent Grouping (Beaming) Notes

I'm trying to write a Sheet on MuseScore 3. The Question is: As you can see in the original Sheet the notes aren't grouped... How can I prevent automatic grouping of the notes?
joseluisbz's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What is the standard for notating wide arpeggios on piano?

I think I'll go crazy if I think about every possible way. Which example best adheres to standard notation practice?
prstch's user avatar
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How to beam multiple voices correctly

I don't want to change the clef at the top, so I wrote the first group of notes in the bottom, but I also want the first notes (chord) of the bar to be in the second voice. But in this case, it ...
prstch's user avatar
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Highly irregular beaming in this Liszt piece - is phrasal beaming a no-no or not?

The piece is Liszt's Heroischer Marsch im Ungarischem Stil, S.231, and the passage is this (measures 57-64). Notice how irregular the beaming is in the right hand, going across barlines and grouping ...
KeizerHarm's user avatar
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Questions on note grouping and beaming for 3+3+2 rhythm

EDIT: The questions below still apply, but here is an updated edit that I think looks a lot cleaner. Any thoughts? Regarding this piece with a 3+3+2 rhythm, I have a few more questions regarding ...
Philip Walker's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Beaming notes which have a rest between them [duplicate]

Is it correct to beam two notes with a rest between them? For instance, if you have a quaver followed by a quaver rest, then quaver, will it be correct to beam the two quavers? Thank you.
Glado Msupa's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What does it mean when notes are beamed across both piano staves?

I have only six months in playing piano. I want to learn a new sheet, but I don”t understand this notation that merges the two staffs. Can you explain to me please?
Rony Cohen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Question about beaming in 6/4 and irregular beaming

In 6/4 can I beam by 2/4 + 2/4 + 2/4 or is it strictly 3/4 + 3/4? And also I didn't find a good explanation of irregular beaming in cases where time signature constantly changing from bar to bar (not ...
prstch's user avatar
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Question about cross-staff beaming, unnecessary rests, Debussy

Two questions: Why in Debussy's Arabesque No. 1, are the first two measures written without the rests? What's the rule? If I write notes in different clefs and beam them together, what clef will ...
prstch's user avatar
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Theory- grouping notes

In a 4/4 time signature, can I write a half note on the 2nd and 3rd beat Or should I split the half note into quarter notes with a tie to show the middle of the bar? Also, in 7/8 with (4,3)as main ...
Trebla's user avatar
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4 answers

First note of a beamed group must never fall on an off beat, unless it is preceded by a rest of a dotted note

Here's an image related to my question: Below this image it says: Bar 3 is incorrect, because the 3rd quaver in the group should have a stronger accent than the ...
Keretto's user avatar
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4 answers

Grouping and beaming 6/8 time signature

I am trying to get this right but don't get the second part where there is a eighth note and followed by 2 sixteenth note
Swaraj's user avatar
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2 answers

Beam slope indicating accelerando or rallentando

Has anybody ever heard of a modern composition notation convention where sloping beams indicate acc. and rall.? A composer colleague of mine who always uses flat horizontal beams claims this (without ...
andro's user avatar
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1 answer

Placing beam between staves with autochanging voice in LilyPond

I have a PianoStaff with two voices on the right hand. The lower voice with eighths is spread across the staves with \autochange and the additional pitch parameter nicely controls the turning point. ...
Andreas N's user avatar
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2 answers

When to use note beaming over/under rests?

I’ve seen plenty of questions here asking how to create beams over/under rests (generic example pictured below), but I don’t see any addressing my much more basic question: Is there any general rule ...
Walter's user avatar
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Extra tremolo beams in timpani part

I’m transposing some music (Gusty Garden Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy) in Medly. Looking at the sheet music I came across this in the timpani part: Does anyone know what this means? because I have ...
CongressGamingINC's user avatar
2 votes
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Stop Lilypond from placing beam around second voice

I have two voices in the right-hand staff. I'm not sure why Lilypond is doing what it is (see freehand circle) but I would like it to stop. The beam should ideally be somewhere near the red line, with ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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