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Questions tagged [capos]

A capo is a device used on the neck of a stringed (typically fretted) instrument to shorten the playable length of the strings, hence raising the pitch.

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Playing notes for a short-necked saz with a long-necked saz

Since I'm totally new to playing the saz I have a question regarding long-necked and short-necked saz: Can I use a book designed to teach how to play the short-necked saz with a long-necked saz or is ...
pahohu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Understanding "Guitar 3rd to F sharp Capo III"

I would appreciate your help in understating the the notation: "Guitar 3rd to F sharp Capo III". I attached a picture of the music sheets. I understand the idea of a capo and the fact that I ...
DJV's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How should I indicate variable capo position in a score?

I write songs for guitar and voice. Let's say for a particular song, I put the capo on the 2nd fret because this is what fits my vocal range for the melody. For another person, it could be the 3rd ...
Al Lelopath's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Meaning of instructions on a capo box

I've recently bought a capo and have troubles with decoding clues on the box. First two columns are clear: if you want to play in C or in G, do not use the capo (that is, place it above the nut); ...
Ivan Smirnov's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do you determine if a song should be played with a capo or which fret the capo should be if capo'd? When transcribing chord tabs for others

I hope this makes sense because I'm always conflicted. An example song is Taylor Swift - dorothea I know that Taylor would use a capo but since this is a piano song with some arpeggios, I can't decide ...
kian ツ's user avatar
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2 answers

Understanding How the Guitar Capo Changes Chords

I recently found a song transcribed where the user plays all the chords on with a capo on the second fret this would move up the open string chords to the following: EADGBe=F#BEAC#F# He then ...
Connor's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

how to play capo and non-capo chords in the same song?

I've read through many forums and tutorials and am still very confused. I'll give an example to make this easier to understand: I'm trying to learn "Across the Universe" by Fiona Apple (...
Miranda Gershoni's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Songs with capo on only some chords

I'm teaching myself guitar, I've enjoyed finding songs I like and slowly teaching myself the chords, but sometimes when I go to a song some of the chords have a capo and others don't. I'd understand ...
Paxana Non Grata's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to best avoiding capo introduced sharpening?

In answer to a capo tuning question, one user suggested the use of a 'shim' (for lack of a better term, he actually suggested a .022" cut feeler gauge) between the fret board and strings under the ...
Scott DeBruyn's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Capoing a dulcimer changes the mode - what does this mean for me practically?

I have a "woodrow instrument", which is a diatonically fretted dulcimer you play like a guitar. When getting it from the maker he said "Here's something cool, if you capo the instrument you get a ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 answers

Can any song on guitar be played with standard tuning and without a capo?

Sometimes I see artists I like that either use weird tunings or a capo when they play a song. I don't feel like finding my capo nor changing from standard tuning. Is it theoretically possible to play ...
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4 answers

I have learnt a song in the key of D what capo threat should I use to change it into the key of C?

I am needing this for the song wanted dead or alive as the original key is D however, for the musical Rock of Ages they play the song in C. Is there any chance that I could put a capo on to keep the ...
Angel 's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How to simplify difficult barred chords in a song

I really like a song and when I saw the chords they are : F#, C#, Dm#, B. And I'm beginner so is there a easier version for these chords or like change the chords and use a capo?
Shekinah's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Key of a song with capo on the 4th fret

I have a song I'm playing on guitar and the original key is C# minor. If I play with a capo on the 4th fret, the chord shapes in the song are Am, C, G, Dm, F and E. So would this technically change ...
Kim's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What happens if I use a classical guitar capo on an acoustic or electric guitar, or an acoustic and electric guitar capo on a classical guitar?

I've noticed that the capos for electric/acoustic guitars and classical guitars are different. For example, classical guitar capos are flat, while electric/acoustic guitar capos are curved. Is there ...
TaylorSwiftFan5932's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How could it be that the capo isn't changing the pitch?

I know the title sounds crazy, so hear me out. I'm beginning to look at how I would play The Wolves and the Ravens by Rogue Valley. Here are three key links: The album recording of the song. The ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Why might one *not* want to use a capo?

Apparently some guitarists use a capo in certain circumstances, while some others use one never or rarely. This question is for those who use it reluctantly or never. Why? Why are some people ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Is it "safe" to use a capo on every string but the E?

I've tried playing in drop D to play a song with a lower D chord that the one you can do with standard tuning, and it has pros and cons. One of the cons is that the E string take some time to stay in ...
Teleporting Goat's user avatar
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How to stop a 5-string capo blocking my fretting of the bottom E string?

I want to play a fingerstyle guitar based on open-voiced chords in the key of D, capoed to be in D, Eb or E for performance. I'd love to have the low D from a drop-D tuning but this messes up some ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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3 answers

Way to lower key of song without changing sound of chord progression (like the opposite of a capo)?

Capos heighten the pitch of the guitar. Is there a thing that lowers the pitch of the guitar? I've been having problems playing a song on guitar and also singing it. For example, a song's chord ...
Mantas Meškerys's user avatar
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How to determine in what key I'm playing by moving capo to 3rd fret? [duplicate]

If I put capo on the 3rd fret of my guitar, what would be the key that I'm playing in? What would be a chord progression in that key?
Blackcoat77's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Transposing ineffective; song has all 12 chords...?

Players of instruments who use capos: Have any of you ever come across a song that you wanted to use a capo on, but it wouldn't help because the song had all 12 chords of that quality? Let me explain:...
user45266's user avatar
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4 answers

Playing in E♭ tuning with capo on the first fret

I started teaching myself how to play acoustic guitar approximately one month ago, and I can already play some basic chords and do some strumming and solos. However, my repertoire consists of some ...
T. Stark's user avatar
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Differences between capos

I wanna buy the first capo for my acoustic guitar, and I'm just wondering if there are many types of capo .. I mean .. if I went to a shop, can any capo work ? Or is there a difference?
user avatar
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Why do these chords use the first fret if there is a capo on the second fret?

I'd like to play Eagles - Hotel California, so I looked into the sheet music, but there is something I don't understand: It says: guitar 1 is a 12-string acoustic played with capo behind 2nd fret. ...
Albert's user avatar
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5 answers

What does a capo really do to chords?

Practically, a capo will shift each string by a half tone per position, but what does it do to the intervals they produce with each other? My shot is that e.g. * without capo if we fret the simplest ...
nmajoros's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Do capos exist that can be disabled without removing them from the guitar?

There's a song I want to play (in C) where the verse sounds best played on regular 1st-fret chords and the chorus sounds great using chords around the 8th fret - I can't barre them all reliably enough ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to play chords from a tab where a capo is used

I am using Ultimate Guitar to get chords to play songs. I have noticed that most songs start out by giving you a background, tuning, and where to put the capo. Afterwards, it gives you the chords and ...
Hunter's user avatar
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17 votes
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On a guitar, what keys correspond to different capo positions?

I've long had this question. I know some music theory, but I can only get a vague idea as to the progression of keys when moving the capo down a guitar's neck. I'm fairly certain that the guitar is in ...
mckryall's user avatar
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7 answers

Using a Capo to transpose from Eb to G

If I have a song in the key of Eb and I want to play it in the key of G, where would I put the capo? Also, would I then use the fignering for the G chord? So I have to transpose to the key of G, right?...
Linda's user avatar
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11 answers

Is it OK to play guitar with capo on 5th fret, since I have arthritis in thumb & finger joints?

I'm an early learner, 70 yrs old, have been 'practicing' for a couple of years on a steel string acoustic guitar, and I have arthritis in my thumb and finger joints. For instance, it's very hard to ...
PATRICK OTOOLE's user avatar
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When learning a guitar part/song by ear, how do you determine where to put the capo?

For instance several artists like Andy McKee or Don Ross use capos on the majority of their songs. When trying to learn their songs by ear how would you determine where to put the capo and what tuning ...
GloatenFree's user avatar
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6 answers

Which fret do I place a capo on, to play Eb music using C chords?

If the sound of the music is in the key of Eb and I want to play using chord shapes in the key of C, what fret do I put the capo on?
Linda Hoare's user avatar
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4 answers

Different kinds of capos

I recently saw a capo (I think) that had something like teeth(?) that the player changed while he played. I'm not sure what its purpose was. (I'm really not sure how to explain it) -- If I'm not ...
Shevliaskovic's user avatar
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Question about using a Cut Capo

I am considering getting one. I like to know the way the cut capo is used on electric or acoustic guitar. What are some tunings that are used? Can I use a combination of capos?
r lo's user avatar
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Do I need to use a guitar capo for this song?

I'm singing Bella ciao (an Italian song) with 4 chords: Am E A7 Dm The problem is that I find it very low to me, so I tried to barre the 5th fret with my index finger and play the usual chords with ...
Marwen Trabelsi's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there any alternative to using capo?

I don't have/want to use capo for my guitar. Can a specific tuning be applied as an alternative to capo?
VVK's user avatar
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On the guitar, if I play a song which is in the key of D, where should I put the capo?

How can I determine where to position a capo based on the key of the music I am playing? I current can only play songs in the key of C with no capo. Is there any rule to follow?
Ted Wong's user avatar
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How to fret an F# root note with a drop-E capo?

I commonly play with a five-string capo on the second fret of the guitar, leaving the E string open. This only becomes a problem when attempting to play an F# chord with the bass note: As you can ...
Goodbye Stack Exchange's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Using white spot(markings) on fret board while memorizing notes

I am learning different scales and notes on the fret board using the white dots(marker) that's placed on 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th and so on, on my guitar. Now when exercising I am locating a note ...
Quazi Irfan's user avatar
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9 answers

Does using a capo put you out of tune?

i just want to ask if using a capo affects the tuning of the strings. I bought my first capo and I played my guitar with the capo on all day long. When I removed the capo, I played another song and it ...
user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Capo that won't detune my guitar?

I use a Kyser style capo. I don't know any better, but are there better capos? I'm looking for a durable capo that wont drastically put my guitar out of tune when I use it. What kind of capos won't ...
InternalConspiracy's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to improve the life of my capo?

I have a spring-action grip style capo that is designed for changing the position easily. It used to be great, however now I am finding that quite often it will not fret some of the strings properly, ...
bcpettifer's user avatar
11 votes
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What is the difference between a flat and curved capo?

I want to buy a capo... What is the difference between a flat and a curved capo? Can I use either for both an electric and acoustic guitar?
brian's user avatar
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Is it possible to mute some of my strings?

I'm working on a part of a song where I need to strum the top two strings (B & E) together very fast. I'm wondering if there is some sort of a damping capo that I can put over the other four ...
user avatar
20 votes
8 answers

Are there any benefits of using a Capo?

What is the benefit of using a Capo versus just playing in a different key without one? In other words, why not just transpose the song and play it in the desired key without the capo?
user avatar
36 votes
6 answers

Does leaving a capo on "hurt" the strings?

On occasion I've accidentally left a capo on (overnight). Does this decrease the life of the strings, staying in tune time, hurt the neck, or anything else that's bad?
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