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Cubase doesn't export stereo [closed]

In my arrangement, I set panner left/right for different instrument channels. It sounds good but when I export the file, the final export wav file doesn't reflect the left/right features, it sounds ...
tolga's user avatar
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How do I route VST audio through effects/amp simulator in Cubase?

I have Shreddage II that came with Peavey Revalver, and I want to route the Shreddage audio through Revalver but I don't know how to do that in Cubase.
Matcha's user avatar
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VSTI plugin to combine different plugins

I use Cubase and Miroslav Philharmonik. I want to play a melody with many different instruments as single instrument in cubase. Copy pasting the same melody to different instruments is an overkill, ...
tolga's user avatar
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Is there any way to change pitch bend wheel values in real time?

I have midi keyboard on repair (Evolution MK361-C) that has problems with Pitch Wheel. Pitch Wheel is not sendind accurate high values (7F as max) to computer, it sends maximum value of about 7A-7C. ...
coolha1rcut's user avatar
5 votes
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In Cubase, why are my MIDI tracks' programs not independent?

I have successfully routed multiple MIDI tracks to different channels of one rack (not track) instance of HALion Sonic SE. When I play them back, their sound reflects the sound selected for the HALion ...
Stan's user avatar
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Timed Cutout effect - Cubase

so I've been creating metal/rock tracks for years now, and I've recent delved into adding a lot of dubstep/electronic/orchestral features into them, but there is an effect I'd love to use but that I'm ...
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