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Questions tagged [exam-grades]

For questions related to the graded exams by the ABRSM, LCM, VCM, Rockschool, or other reputable music examination board. For question related to the grading of the difficulty of individual pieces, use the tag [grading].

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2 votes
1 answer

Can the prerequisite for RCM ARCT Piano (Performer) fulfilled through ABRSM certificates?

I have the ABRSM Grade 8 Piano and Theory certificates from more than 10 years ago. Can I use this to fulfill the prerequisite to take the RCM ARCT Piano Performer exam, or do I have to first obtain ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do Trinity College grades align with RCM grades?

I have been learning piano using the Trinity College grade system for the past 5 years. I am currently in grade 5. I want to learn a piece called "Waltz in C-Sharp Minor" (op. 64, no. 2) by ...
Ved Rathi's user avatar
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RCM Exam Popular Selection Note Modifications

For a piano RCM exam (let's say level 8), would an examiner likely reduce your score for making small adjustments to a "popular" piece to make the piece slightly easier to play? For example,...
Peter's user avatar
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Is Moonlight (first movement) suitable for grade 7?

Can I play Sonata No. 14 “Moonlight” (first movement) by L. Van Beethoven for ABRSM digital Performance Grade 7 for piano as my own choice? As per Performance Grades - FAQs: For the exam candidates ...
Aida's user avatar
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1 answer

Comparison between different Ukulele exam boards / certifications

I am looking for Ukulele exam boards and I can find LCM and RockSchool. I wonder if I am missing any of if because Ukulele is quite a niche instrument there aren't any others in Europe? Thanks.
Paulo Matos's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Which test or qualification in music can provide a degree which is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree?

I have heard about ABRSM levels which the level 8 is equal to music diploma. But I want to know if there is any higher test levels which equals to a bachelor of music Thanks
Laadan Jam's user avatar
0 votes
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(REVISED): Roman Numeral Analysis of Fuchs- 'Mother Tells a Story'

On the back of seeing the score, I have filled in the missing harmony. I am still stuck on the harmonic analysis in a few areas. The Roman numerals I have put in thus far are all relative to G major, ...
EdB123's user avatar
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3 answers

Is this a harmonic sequence?

Currently working on this keyboard piece, came across something that I think looks like a harmonic sequence. We are newly in D minor, and the bars in question are labelled 1 and 2 (squint and you'll ...
EdB123's user avatar
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Roman numeral analysis of exam practice exercise: "Polish Song" by Hiller

The piece in question is 'Polish Song' by Hiller. I have labelled the bars from 1 to 11. The piece is in A minor, and we seem to have A minor leading to V7 in the opening measures (I'm putting the C ...
EdB123's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this an example of III7 augmented chord?

I seem to have come across a III7 chord in A harmonic minor, and I'm not quite sure about its function. I initially thought it might have been V7, but there is a leap of a third between the C and E in ...
EdB123's user avatar
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Is this a deceptive cadence?

i was wondering if someone could clear up whether this is some sort of deceptive cadence or not. We are recently back to Bflat Major. The very last beat of the previous bar is F7 (labelled here ...
EdB123's user avatar
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4 answers

Is this a Neapolitan 6?

I have a couple of questions regarding this passage. Have labelled the bars in question ''1'', ''2'' and ''3''. The stave in question is second from bottom (directly above ''N6??''). We are in G minor,...
EdB123's user avatar
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Have I successfully/legitimately modulated?

Hi guys! Just wondering if I've done this properly. We are newly in Csharp minor from the relative major E major, and we need to finish in the home key- F sharp minor. As it stands, I have written the ...
EdB123's user avatar
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Who knows whats happening in this score?

Ran into some confusion when trying to work out the harmony of this keyboard piece, I have labelled the problem bars, '3, 4 and 5'. In the second half of this piece, we seem to rolling through the ...
EdB123's user avatar
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Is this some sort of suspension? If so, how do I write it in?

Hi guys, We are in F sharp minor. There is a G sharp being held over V7 (Csharp7), the second inversion tonic chord (Fsharp minor), and then the ii7 chord that follows. The G sharp is a chord tone of ...
EdB123's user avatar
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Which modulation is correct? (amongst other things!)

Hi guys. I’ll try and be as concise as possible. Forgive the messy score, its just a product of the confusion! I have a few query areas, but please feel free to correct me in any other areas. 

 Bar 1-...
EdB123's user avatar
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3 answers

How do people become proficient at sight-reading in keys where there is no material in those keys suitable for their sight-reading level?

On a mission to improve my piano sight-reading, I've been systematically working my way through all major and minor keys, 'living' in a given key for a few weeks before moving to the next. Whilst ...
Steve's user avatar
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What is "Piano Accompanying Exam" in Trinity?

I was going through Trinity Piano Syllabus and saw that they have exams in Piano from Grades 1-8 and "Piano Accompanying" exam from Grades 5-8. How does it work? Everyone taking Grade 5-8 will also ...
Subir Nag's user avatar
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How long would it take to learn grade 6 music theory?

My teacher wants me to go in for my grade six piano. However, I have only ever done grade one, so my theory is somewhat inferior to my playing. I want to then carry on to do my grade seven and eight. ...
Maya's user avatar
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5 answers

World-Wide Standard Music Certification

Are there any world-wide known Music Certification tests that you can take to use in your resume: for example, to demonstrate basic musical abilities? I used to work in IT, where it is very common for ...
ViniciusPires's user avatar
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Skipping grades and the more advanced grades: [closed]

So at the moment, I am about to do my grade 4 piano exam. I am a very musical person and on the side I challenge myself to do grade 6 pieces, etc... I only have 2 and a half years left until I leave ...
Sophia DLC's user avatar
27 votes
11 answers

What does play with feeling mean?

When I used to take music exams I'd pass them but it often says "could have played with more feeling". Now, I played all the notes in the right order. Made them louder when it says ff. And quieter ...
zooby's user avatar
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Skipping AMEB Music of Theory grades?

I understand that each grade teaches musical terminology, etc.that will be incorporated into the next grade, but I was wondering if skipping AMEB Music of Theory grades was possible or is there a ...
bombompop's user avatar
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2 answers

Skipping ABRSM grades to grade 5 theory?

TL;DR I have decent experience in playing a number of instruments and am wondering if I can take grade 5 theory without having taken any theory exam before. Basically I've been on and off about music ...
Liaoly's user avatar
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Grade 8 ABRSM Theory - weaknesses

I have taken the grade 8 ABRSM theory exam twice now and have failed by a couple of marks. My main weakness is question 2: completing the piano extract. Has anyone got any tips on how to complete this ...
Ethan Jarrott's user avatar
4 votes
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Music Education in the UK: skipping all grades?

I live and work in the UK as an engineer. In the past, aroudn 10 years ago, I got a diploma in piano with 10/10 cum laude in an Italian Conservatory. After a hiatus of several years, I started playing ...
Vaaal's user avatar
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Want to know the process to pursue diploma in piano [closed]

I am a grade 6 student in piano from LCM. I want to pursue a career in music. All I know so far is, after grade 8 I need to have a diploma. Can anyone elaborate on the career path? Is there a ...
SeethaRaam Devulapalli's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can you skip the first ten RCM grades?

I play piano, but I’ve never been actively involved in all of these "piano breeding systems", even though I want to be a part of them. So I put my eye on RCM. But I play at about an RCM 10/ ARCT level....
Tony Wu's user avatar
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3 answers

Where to practice for vocal examinations?

I always wonder where do sopranos, alto, and tenor practice their vocal, so that there do not disturb their neighbours? Especially those who are taking examinations like the ABRSM, Trinity, etc. I ...
Vehrnesto's user avatar
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2 answers

How long does Grade 6 music theory take?

I did Grade 5 theory back in 2013. And did A-level music in 2012-2014. My attendance wasn't great, for various reasons, and my memory is patchy but I've retained my Grade 5 theory skills and then some....
Keron's user avatar
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Do I need to take the ABRSM practical exams to do the theory exams?

I've been learning theory for many years. I'm self taught using lots of great books (many from ABRSM). My reasons for learning theory wasn't to become good at playing an instrument. I'm a software ...
BugHunterUK's user avatar
1 vote
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Grade 1 Music Theory

I have 2 questions: I have learned some topics of grade 1 but I think there are a lot of topics in it. Can anyone provide a list of topic which come under the Grade 1 syllabus and which I must go ...
Somvir Sharma's user avatar
5 votes
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Piano Grade 2 Aural test - Triple or double time

Part of the ABRSM Grade 2 piano exam involves the examiner playing a piece, with the student required to start clapping along when they sense the rhythm, and to then identify whether or not the piece ...
Tom Davies's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

ABRSM: Skipping grades

I was going to do my Grade 3 piano, until the pieces I had learned had gone past the deadline for when I was going to take my examination. Therefore, I had got frustrated, so my Piano teacher asked me ...
Xetrov's user avatar
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Music Practical Grades: Average time it takes to reach Grade 8 [duplicate]

This question is mostly for teachers. From your experiences, how long does it take on average to reach Grade 8 from Grade 1 using the Exam Board ABRSM? I have now been playing for five years, and am ...
Xetrov's user avatar
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7 votes
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ABRSM Exams: Repeating of bars

I am a grade three pianist, and I am taking my exam soon. I am playing the piece Allegro by Muzio Clementi (A:1 , ABRSM Grade 3 Piano Exam Pieces 2015 & 2016), and there are two repeat signs. I am ...
Xetrov's user avatar
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What's it like to sit a music theory grade exam?

I've been looking at the content of the ABRSM theory grade syllabus. It looks like with minimal work I could know all the Grade 5 content (you can skip grades up to G5 but beyond that you must have G5 ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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How do vocal exam syllabi handle singers' ranges?

How do exam boards (ABRSM, rock school, etc) supply set pieces for vocalists given that individual singers' rangers vary so much? In my experience for instrument gradings you get a list of pieces in ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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How to learn ABRSM music theory

I'm sorry if this is not the correct place to post this question, I use many stack exchanges but this is the first time I have used the Music SE. I would like to learn music theory (ABRSM), with the ...
Saul McShane's user avatar
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How does Rockschool Vocals compare against ABRSM or similar?

I came across Rockschool recently and to be honest the name alone put me off. But looking a little at the material for vocalists at it sounds OK. How does it compare with more traditional exam ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Any pointers on how to convert 4/4 to 3/4?

I'm currently studying Music Theory using the RSA grades (formerly known as RockSchool). I'm trying to get through on my own at the moment but I'm half-way through G6 and I'm increasingly feeling the ...
dazzathedrummer's user avatar
6 votes
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Enharmonic equivalents to Ab besides G#

I'm current studying RSL Music Theory grades and I'm stuck on a grade 6 question. The question asks to write out two enharmonic equivalent notes to the note provided using sharps, flats, double-...
dazzathedrummer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Licentiate for classical guitar in Australia

Is there anyone that can tell me is it worth getting L mus for classical guitar in Australia or just 8th grade or A mus etc. If anyone has done the exam can you tell me what you have to do, what you ...
random10101010's user avatar
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3 answers

practical exam ATCL ABRSM Diploma

I've finished the Performance certificate from Trinity College London, and now I would like to continue with the ATCL Diploma from ABRSM. Does it include any theory parts that I need to pass before I ...
Reto Gerber's user avatar
4 votes
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If I'm grade X, how close to X-standard pieces should I be able to sight read?

When you take a grade exam you have pieces you have to prepare, and you are also expected to sight-read... but the sight-read pieces for each grade will be easier than the pieces you prepare. I ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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How to interpret results of the failed exam

Would it be possible to get some examples of notable musicians failing various entry exams in very early years of their career? I am especially interested in which instruments and styles are the most ...
h22's user avatar
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Does it make sense to do exam grades as an adult learner?

I'm in my thirties; I've played acoustic guitar for about a decade, but recently took up "proper instruments" flute and piano as a beginner - playing from score, learning scales, etc rather than just ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Taking up piano exams

I have started learning Piano myself, using my keyboard. I wanted to take up exams (trinity guildhall) . When I checked the trinity site it says two different courses for piano and keyboard . Which ...
user3025288's user avatar
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Which exam board should we use? (UK)

My children both play instruments. My 11 year old plays the clarinet and did grades 3 and 4 with ABRSM and then moved to Trinity for grades 5 and 6. She got a distinction in grade 6 just after her ...
Pip's user avatar
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Are Music Grades somewhat standardised around the World?

I've only ever done music lessons in the UK and never wondered before - is the system of doing grades 1-8 something used in the rest of the world or is it different from country to country? To people ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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