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Is this a deceptive cadence?

i was wondering if someone could clear up whether this is some sort of deceptive cadence or not. We are recently back to Bflat Major. The very last beat of the previous bar is F7 (labelled here ...
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Is this a Neapolitan 6?

I have a couple of questions regarding this passage. Have labelled the bars in question ''1'', ''2'' and ''3''. The stave in question is second from bottom (directly above ''N6??''). We are in G minor,...
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Have I successfully/legitimately modulated?

Hi guys! Just wondering if I've done this properly. We are newly in Csharp minor from the relative major E major, and we need to finish in the home key- F sharp minor. As it stands, I have written the ...
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Is this some sort of suspension? If so, how do I write it in?

Hi guys, We are in F sharp minor. There is a G sharp being held over V7 (Csharp7), the second inversion tonic chord (Fsharp minor), and then the ii7 chord that follows. The G sharp is a chord tone of ...
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Which modulation is correct? (amongst other things!)

Hi guys. I’ll try and be as concise as possible. Forgive the messy score, its just a product of the confusion! I have a few query areas, but please feel free to correct me in any other areas. 

 Bar 1-...
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