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Sometimes when i focus my attention to strumming i struggle with proper fingering speed and precision

I'm fairly new to guitar and i need some help. First off, i'm playing an acoustic guitar. I'm not a beginner yet not a master. I've been playing for a few months, i know a few scales, a dozen of ...
Nikad's user avatar
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Essential strumming patterns/techniques? and the theory behind it? [duplicate]

I used to play silly led zeppelin and velvet underground covers. i knew all the vu strumming just because i knew the records by heart. i've started to get more into classic folk and country and nick ...
smackenzie's user avatar
2 votes
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Finger Issues Learning Guitar

I am currently trying to learn the guitar been doing it for a week now , finger tips finally start getting those callouses but , when I ma holding chords such as c and I try to stretch my fingers to A ...
user2861799's user avatar
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How to play Rumba-Flamenco (Spanish rumba) style of music on guitar?

I want to play the rumba style of flamenco music on my guitar. What are some defining characteristics of this style of music? Are there particular strumming patterns that define this music? Which ...
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