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1 answer

Lilypond: Guitar stringNumber colliding with glissando

I'd like to tweak (raise) the fingeringNumber '2' in measure 1 just a bit to avoid collision with the glissando. I know how to lower the glissando endpoint, but that's not what I'm after. Can somebody ...
HarryH's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Do guitar players use the thumb to fret two notes when playing chords and/or riffs?

I’ve been revisiting an old chord book (Sal Salvador Chordal Enrichment & Chord Substitution ©1985) and on page 45 I found this: It’s a nice chord but the first fingering is impossible. The ...
Davy5003's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to convert @tonicjs/tonic chord data to guitar chords?

I am looking at which has a lot of music theory I'm less familiar with. When I was playing the guitar for many years 20 years ago, I learned a ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What does a lowercase "a" mean for guitar music?

What does a lowercase letter "a" next to the notehead mean for guitar music?
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
2 votes
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Has anyone tried playing a Fanned Fret guitar/bass? How did it feel vs standard? Did you stick with it? [closed]

The title says it all. I'm intrigued by fanned frets, but buying an instrument like that is a big leap. If you've tried it, I'd like to hear about your experience.
humanliberty1's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Open string call out does not match requested music note

I am learning guitar and recently came across a sheet requesting what I understand to be an open B string (red arrow), however the music sheet shows a C (blue arrow) note being played. What is the ...
MusicHappy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Which fingering to use for this section of a song

I can’t figure out the best fingering for this part of Sound of Silence. What should I do?
bill999's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Use of Drop 2 or 3 for Polychord like A13th

Using Drop 2 or 3 on guitar offers the guitarist a variety of ways to use 4 adjacent strings for the comfortable, if not faster, way to play chords. Yes the chords are inverted. ...
Dan Marti's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What part of fingertip should touch the strings - Guitar

Before posting here, I have searched the net but could not find any related posts. I have been attempting to play guitar for a few years now. While I am a total amateur, right from the time I started ...
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How or What to Practice to Get Consistent?

This might seem like a strange question. I've read a lot of books about deliberate practice and the history of music pedagogy, and I'm still a bit puzzled by this: How do I get more consistent? For ...
user3050028's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Controlling finger reaction

This is a follow up question of Guitar Muscle memory lesson plan for fine motor skill deficit While melodies get longer, I'm confusing, and especially if finger path are crosssing itself a lot such as ...
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3 votes
3 answers

Guitar: finger position question

My professor asked me to practice the following on any string: index finger on fret 1, ring finger on fret 3, little finger on fret 5. I keep practicing but this is pretty painful and hard for me to ...
BAL's user avatar
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1 answer

How am I meant to hold my fingers for this chord?

I am currently learning how to play guitar. I haven't found a proper guitar teacher yet due to the current lockdown situation, so I have to learn from YouTube videos and other online exercises. ...
Osakabe-Hime's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How is this C chord constructed on guitar?

I am following a tutorial on Black Magic Woman from Justin Guitar and at 6:18 he plays the C Chord in the following way. Since the C Chord consists of notes C, E, and G I notice that his index finger ...
langstondog's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Little finger positioning on fretting hand while playing guitar 3-notes-per-string

I would like some advice on my left (fretting) hand pinkie's (little finger) orientation when I'm playing three-note-per string scales at faster tempos. I find the pinkie flattens, especially the ...
user643722's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to barre this chord without muting adjacent string?

I found this online. How do you barre with the third(ring) finger without it touching and muting the G string? Anatomically speaking it's really hard for my ring finger to not touch the G string while ...
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11 votes
3 answers

How am I supposed to play this chord?

I've tried to play this chord a couple different ways and I have no way to play it. I tried to have my index on 10 my pinky on the 16s and my middle or ring on 14. Is there something I'm missing or ...
Jacob Lara's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Need advice on a bent pinky problem

I am looking for a good reference for hand exercises and advice on pinky problems. After an accident on 2017 where I sprained my wrist (3rd degree that forced me away from my guitar) my index and ...
Rob Nunez's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Guitar - pinkie finger independence [duplicate]

I am doing some exercises and the instructor noted to keep my fingers as close to the strings as possible. However, i noticed that every time i go to press my second or third finger, then the pinkie ...
user1584421's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Fingers not spreading when curled

I play guitar and I should have my fingers directly above the frets when placing all four fingers down. But if I curl them just a bit, I cant spread the middle finger and ring finger AT ALL. They are ...
mike628's user avatar
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8 votes
10 answers

How to ensure the fretboard hand and the plucking hand are working on same string?

Recently I bought a guitar (but I am learning it totally through internet, due to lockdown condition). If I hold the guitar in suggested posture (or like everybody do), I cannot almost see the ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

A very specific bar chord problem

There are loads of posts about bar chords but this one is a specific problem. So I can bar all strings on each fret without any trouble, not even much pressure, even without using my thumb on the ...
Not My Problem's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

How to finger Dm -> Dm9?

I'm playing a song that goes Dm to Dm9. Moving from either open Dm or fifth-string bar Dm to the pictured Dm9 shape feel pretty awkward. Is there a better shape or fingering? I imagine Dm->Dm9 in any ...
Anna's user avatar
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3 answers

How to change chord from xx5333 to xx7765?

I'm trying to play Gm and Dm as follows, which is described as "a typical reggae rhythm played on the offbeat". The natural way for me to finger these are Gm with fingers 1 (bar) and 2/3 for Gm, and ...
Anna's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Classical guitar: right hand finger movement when playing chord

When playing a string with the right hand, it is suggested to have the finger pushing through the string. That is to say, the finger is moving inward the guitar, rather than pluck the string outward ...
null's user avatar
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2 answers

(Indian Classical) Violin note-spacing vs. Guitar note spaces

I play the Indian classical violin. In that, when you have a song in A, for instance, you would tune the first (lowest) and third strings to A, an octave apart, and the second and fourth to the ...
Gob's user avatar
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4 answers

Economizing finger movement in exercise vs following the book

In Al Di Meola and Bob Aslanian's books "Al Di Meola - A Guide to Chords, Scales & Arpeggios" there's an exercise to strum a chord four times and move from one form to another, fluidly. Below is ...
reeeky2001's user avatar
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1 answer

Guitar fingering question

When I play G#/Ab on the high E string on the guitar, I use my pinky for the fourth fret, but what about all the fingers before the pinky? Can they be packed closely to my pinky? Or do all fingers ...
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3 votes
2 answers

How to bar Fm6 with another finger?

I don't see how this Fm6 fingering, with the index finger on fret 5, can work out without holding my guitar upside-down. Is it a mistake or am I misunderstanding the contortion? I've also tried it ...
Anna's user avatar
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5 answers

Which finger is correct for number 5 on guitar tab?

I'm very new to guitar and I'm practicing beginner stuff, I press the appropriate fret with the numbered finger, 1 for index and 3 for ring. Also I play in fret hand position 1 with index on first ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Classical Guitar Exercises for Proper Tab Fingering? [closed]

Related: Figuring the Classical Fingering from Sheet Music Are there any classical guitar exercises, (for classical music), that also include the Tab as well as proper frettting-hand fingering ...
elika kohen's user avatar
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Finger dexterity issues

I have some weird issues with my left fret playing hand. I’m a brand new guitar player and the way my fingers automatically react when spreading, especially when trying to spread them in a claw, is ...
N-Len's user avatar
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3 answers

Is fingers pointing towards each other a problem when fretting a guitar

I've been practicing the guitar for a few months now and am currently learning a song that requires me to slide from the 10th and 12th fret on the A and B string down to the third and fifth frets, ...
Martin's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

awkward stretchy fingering

In bar 4 there is a chord arpeggiated across these frets x35503 (capo on 5) here is a video of Jonas ...
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5 answers

How to form an A chord on higher frets?

I can play an A chord okay, as seen here: However, I tried putting a capo on the 10th fret and playing it from there and couldn't do it at all. I have thin fingers and it was still impossible to ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to get clean sound when playing guitar

I have been practicing guitar (classic, electric) for years. But I cannot get a clean sound when playing melodies or chords. Often notes do not sound at all. To get a clean sound I have to press so ...
Dom inate's user avatar
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G chord guitar fingering - one finger?

I bought a guitar course on DVD and am puzzled by the way they have begun teaching the chords, specifically the G major. In the first lesson we were taught to put our third (ring) finger on the E ...
Alice 's user avatar
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Sometimes when i focus my attention to strumming i struggle with proper fingering speed and precision

I'm fairly new to guitar and i need some help. First off, i'm playing an acoustic guitar. I'm not a beginner yet not a master. I've been playing for a few months, i know a few scales, a dozen of ...
Nikad's user avatar
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1 answer

Pinky finger cracking while playing guitar

While exercising my pinky at playing the guitar I noticed a huge problem which I am not able to find on the internet. My pinky kind of cracks when trying to bend it from its flat state. I tested it on ...
Elgirhath's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Is there a reason not to play A/C# as x42225?

I'm having a hard time fingering A/C# as this sheet suggests: x42220. I've tried: barring with the first finger, but it's difficult for me not to touch the high E. barring with the first finger and ...
Anna's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Should I avoid using my index finger on non-barre chords?

I'm a guitar beginner who knows the basic, non-barre chords and is now learning some barre chords. I've noticed that, usually, barre chord shapes are just like non-barre chords but shifted. For ...
Francesco Borzi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Guitar - fingering for playing multiple consecutive notes on a string cleanly

Let's say I need to play 10 13 12 13 - 10 13 12 13 - ... quickly on a single string. Label my fingers as index 1, middle 2, ring 3, and pinky 4. If I put 1, pick, lift 1, put 4, pick, lift 4, ... ...
sonph's user avatar
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What happens if you anchor your pinkie and how do you avoid it?

Beginner at Ukulele and thinking of doing guitar someday. I've read some places where it's a bad habit to leave your pinkie resting on the surface of a guitar... I tend to leave my pinkie in the air, ...
Aha's user avatar
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Why is the 7th of e.g. GMAJ7 an octave darker than scale degree 3 and 5?

The chord shape for Major 7 is this(photo only meant to show the shape) Why is the 7th[F#] the second darkest pitch, and not played on the 2nd fret of the 1st string, where it actually would be in a ...
miniHessel's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

How can I learn about reasons for choosing different ways to play a chord?

I was playing a song where E7 was written as 022130 as opposed to 020100 which I'm used to playing. It sounds "stronger" and "rounder" to me, similar to playing G as 320033 as opposed to 320003. I ...
Anna's user avatar
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Guitar Playing Barre chords

Why do we base a barre chord on two different shapes ? Is the E shape more important than the A shape ? Why can’t I use the E shape all the time ?
rmedaugh's user avatar
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Problems with holding Barre Chords

I'm a bass player, and I just started to learn to play guitar. I decided to learn barre chords because I find it the most intuitive. However, I have a few problems with holding the chords. First ...
NukeyFox's user avatar
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How do I know which position to use when I'm playing by ear

I come from a piano background ( and I know enough theory to read intermediate piano sheet music) and I want to learn fingerstyle guitar. but It's so difficult because there is more than one way to ...
Jeffrey Tang's user avatar
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Are there rules of thumb that let me quickly determine a possible playing position from the key?

I am playing some pieces in various keys; for example this one (from William Leavitt - Melodic Rhythms For Guitar): I want to play it in a certain position (not using open strings), such that each ...
anatolyg's user avatar
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Difficulty in playing Guitar in Standing posture

Usually I am able play my electric guitar all right at amateur level while in sitting position. The advantage of this position I find is that you can slightly tilt the guitar towards you so that the ...
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