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4 answers

When given a wide passage such as the left-hand part in bars 20-21 - should my fingering seek to avoid the thumb on black keys?

Backstory Self teaching myself the piano No warmup routine as of yet Asked if I could just use the pieces I am working on for warmup Was told yes; just choose the most difficult passage and focus on ...
Anon's user avatar
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3 answers

On piano how do I play one note, and the same note an octave higher with one hand?

I have been playing piano for a few months now, and I have come to a roadblock, in this one song I play CDEFG C on octave 4, while I do the same on octave 5. All of this is with one hand, I have been ...
Knights Dagger's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Overblown octaves on a tenor recorder

I have a brand new Aulos 511 tenor recorder and can achieve perfect overblown octaves without changing my fingering, just adjusting the position of my tongue and directing the stream of air. Why are ...
Shannon Duncan's user avatar