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5 votes
3 answers

Are there any conventions or usual patterns on how brass is commonly used in classical music, precisely, in a symphonic orchestra?

I hear many people tell me that each brass instrument has its own unique timbre and one cannot be confused with another. However, I often see them used together and they seem to blend together ...
brilliant's user avatar
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What is a "bass xylophone"?

In the instrumentation of the opera Turandot there is something called bass xylophone, but I couldn't find many things about it. What is it? And, since it doesn't seem to be a common instrument, how ...
Ergative Man's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Question about the abbreviation for 2 instruments in an orchestra score

I'm learning an orchestra score and I'm really new to that. I'm figuring out what instruments are included in this score, and I get most of them (correct me if there is any mistake). However, I'm ...
MusicalChicken's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I need help to identify the instruments of a composition (in a movie)

Probably this is very easy to answer for people who know the composition of an orchestra and which sound comes from which instrument. My question is, what is the instrument (or the composition of ...
Bevor's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

What is this sound, instrument? (Rheingold, Wagner)

I am currently composing something and I really want to have this sound in my piece. It sounds like a small hammer hammering on metal. It starts at 1:08:07 (...
NickQuant's user avatar
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What are the common instrument blends in classical/romantic symphonies? [closed]

The motivation of my question "What are the common instrument blends in classical/romantic symphonies?" is to learn which instrument combinations (e.g. clarinet + violin, horn + oboe + bassoon etc..), ...
NickQuant's user avatar
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Realistic jazzy sound with VST

I've been quite impressed with the orchestral sound of Nina Simone's "I put a spell on you". The part which interested me can be heard at first 17 seconds. So is it possible to simulate such warm and ...
JuliaSHO's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Loudness of A Contrabass

I was watching a play called The Contrabass and the actor stated that "the contrabass is different from other instruments in that, it is heard better as one moves further from it" (please note that ...
Oguz's user avatar
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2 answers

Identifying orchestral sounds

Following my previous question about new instruments in orchestras, I was listening to a few concerts and well, some write the instruments being used throughout the concert, others don't. Most don't. ...
SovereignSun's user avatar
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10 answers

Have orchestras included any modern instrument lately?

Over the years orchestras have added various new instruments to their set and I'm thinking that there are quite many modern interesting instruments that might be included in an orchestra set. Have ...
SovereignSun's user avatar
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6 answers

Should low frequency players anticipate in orchestra?

"The bigger the instrument, the heavier the strings, the bigger the bow, the bigger the mouthpiece, the more you should anticipate." This concept is expressed occasionally by double bass players, ...
Kari Kääriäinen's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

does everyone in the orchestra (or ensemble) play in the same key?

Does everyone have to play in the same key or is the key accustomed to the instrument section? for example, clarinet would use Bb major? What is a transposing instrument?
user28472's user avatar