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5 votes
1 answer

How do the notes on the treble and bass staves here correspond to each other? (Mozart K331 Mvmt 1 Var. V Measure 100)

In this measure 100 of the Variation V of Mozart's K.331, I'm trying to get it right which note on the treble staff is played at the same moment as which note on the bass staff. In the image I drew ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

accidentals of the treble and bass clef

I don't understand why we have to write the key signature on the bass line? It's already precise on the treble line, so we already know the tonality of the piece. What's more, is it possible in this ...
CelmarCeaumar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do scales actually help a person play in a different key?

I've recently started the piano, and I want to learn all my scales so I know them, but I just can't seem to grasp how these scales actually help when I have a different key signature, sure I know the ...
Datbossgamer556 's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

In which cadence can parents reasonably expect multiple key signatures to be introduced in piano instruction?

If a child starts to play the piano at six (at or about the beginning of Grade 1) with a teacher, reading sheet music from the first lesson, at what point can one reasonably expect the pupil/teacher ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Trouble reading sheet music - identifying sharp note [duplicate]

I have watched this YouTube video and wanted to play it myself. I downloaded the sheet music from his description. In the following image I have marked the first incident where I wasn't sure about the ...
BoJack Horseman's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What is this key signature used in Gymnopedie 1 - F major or D major?

I'm learning Gymnopedie no 1 from the Faber-music Piano Anthology but I'm confused about the key signature of B-flat. All of the B-flats within the piece are written as a natural and there's an ...
Jgrant's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Piano sight-reading confusion [duplicate]

everyone. I am a beginner pianist and I am to improve my technical and sight-reading skills. I have been sight-reading Primavera - Ludovico Einaudi for the past week and I came across something odd. ...
calghir's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Piano, accidentals, and key signatures

say theres an f sharp in the key signature, and within a measure that note becomes natural. Do all F's preceding that one now become natural? or do they follow the suit of the key signature?
Mark linkletter's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Learning a new piece -- tips to make sure to get all the notes accurately from the start (piano)

As a self-learning piano beginner, I make tons of colored markings in the score of a new piece. First I must highlight all the notes that are included in the key signature so as not to forget they ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Will two versions of a song, in the same key, fit together if supporting chords differ?

I get that the title is vague, but that's kind of the problem. Basically, I've learned a jazzy version of the song "Heart and Soul" on the piano (you know, the one everyone learns to play ...
Theo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

B flat in B flat major scale [duplicate]

I was looking at playing Megalovania and came across a B flat on measure 41. Normally, I would play a B flat, but since it it is already a B flat from the B flat major chord, I am super confused. Is ...
Ceramicmrno0b's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do people become proficient at sight-reading in keys where there is no material in those keys suitable for their sight-reading level?

On a mission to improve my piano sight-reading, I've been systematically working my way through all major and minor keys, 'living' in a given key for a few weeks before moving to the next. Whilst ...
Steve's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

How to sight read piano sheet faster in any key?

So I learned this trick from youtube that you can read notes relatively. I can see that the first 2 notes in this piece is a G4, instead of figuring out what the third note is, I just press the key a ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Instruments simultaneous playing in a different key

I am learning to play the piano using Bartok's Mikrokosmos. Piece 44 is written for 2 pianos, but the first piano is playing in a different key than the second piano. What are the keys the pianos are ...
Bram's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Help with scales - want to become a professional pianist and sight reader [duplicate]

I need help with reading piano pieces with key signatures that have sharps or flats (other than C Major or A Minor). I learnt to sight read music using intervals (but do have a very good grasp on ...
Sergio Ruiz's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Listing key signatures

I'm currently creating a program to assist with realtime sheet music display from midi input (similar to what you see on many digital piano displays). What is the most logical way for a user to ...
blairyeah's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

Sight reading piano pieces with sharp or flat key signatures using intervals

I need help with reading piano pieces with key signatures that have sharps or flats (other than C Major or A Minor). I learnt to sight read music using intervals (but do have a very good grasp on ...
Prameet Patnaik's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Key Signature with all Notes naturalized

I’m still new to piano and just getting into key signatures. In Beatles’ Best (easy Beatles sheet music) Get Back is in G, however, all F’s have a natural accidental next to them. Is this sheet music ...
PlainsWind's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

How do I practice playing in all keys?

I've been practicing alot of easy songs (amazing grace, love me tender, small world, you are my sunshine, etc.) in C major. I do this by ear and I've got the melody and the harmony/chords down. Now I ...
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0 votes
2 answers

How to determine the key, divide the tabs and count the pauses when writing the sheet music of a song? (image included)

Below is my first attempt to write the sheet music for the song "My Way" by Sinatra: Then I googled and compared with what I found in the internet, for example this one: So my questions are: Why ...
Pika Sucar's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to read piano key signatures

I just started playing piano, but Im confused about reading key signatures. For example take a look at the first measure of this song:, does ...
bvdh's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Piano Accidentals and Key Signatures

I have been trying to pick up the piano and have a few questions concerning accidentals and key signature placement and interaction. I apologize I don't have a digital copy of the music in question ...
Carl Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

7 sharps on a piano music sheet

I am self taught on piano. There are some notes and symbols that I am trying to learn. I have come across a music sheet that starts with Cmajor and then along the piece it changes to 7 sharps. How do ...
evelyn's user avatar
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26 votes
10 answers

Why is there a key signature if I never play those notes?

I'm just getting back to playing on keyboard. I'm trying to play "Ode to Joy" from the piano sheet but I have a basic question. At the beginning of some staffs, on the right of the treble clef I can ...
Piotr Sobczyk's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

A peculiarity in John Tompson's first grade book regarding key signatures

Back in the days when I was studying from John Thompson's First Grade Piano book, I had come across a peculiarity which I could not understand: in pages 13-15 there are pieces which are in the key of ...
iddober's user avatar
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