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3 votes
3 answers

Grade 5 ABRSM Music theory: Intervals in transposition

Does it matter whether the interval is diminished, minor, major or augmented in transposing THE KEY SIGNATURE? of course it is crucial in the transposition of notes but is it important in key ...
Vedin Singh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Harmonic/Melodic Minor in Keys? [duplicate]

How does one find the key to a scale like harmonic minor, or is out of key?
Richard Christopher's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Why have I never found any music written in the key of C Sharp Major?

Music is written in almost every key that corresponds to every note that is on my piano keyboard. There is clearly a C Sharp (black key right of C) on my piano keyboard but I don't recall ever seeing ...
Rockin Cowboy's user avatar