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For questions related to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791), a leading composer of the Classical era. Please do not use this tag unless the question is about the composer.

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Did Beethoven ever meet Mozart?

I hear different stories about the different musical intellects of Mozart and Beethoven in their different musical periods. Did they ever meet? What did Beethoven think of Mozart's ideology and ...
Cornelius's user avatar
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K. 397 different versions

When looking for this score I see slightly different versions in terms of phrasing/slurs. Bars 7-12 for example here vs Is the 2nd ...
jackseven's user avatar
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Who composed this cadenza from Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20? [closed]

The cadenza of the 3rd movement from this video (starts at minute 29:07) seems really short compared to the version composed by Beethoven I usually listen to. I've seen the same version in a recording ...
Jinwoo Lim's user avatar
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Mozart Notated Staccatos - Continuing After Notation Ends?

In Mozart's "Don Giovanni" there are many phrases notated as staccato which, after 2-3 measures, no longer have the staccato notation to the end of the phrase. (Ex. Dover full score p.393 ...
Charles Morris's user avatar
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Harmonic Analysis of Commendatore Scene [closed]

Where can I find a good old fashioned roman numeral analysis of the Commendatore scene from Don Giovanni? I know a fair amount of classical music theory (well, enough to be dangerous) and I've always ...
John C.'s user avatar
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Analyzing a V/V Measure in a Mozart piece

Please help me understand this. Thank you in advance. Screenshot attached. From Mozart's "Hafner" Serenade (K 250 ), Andante (2). In measure 8, the harmony is A7b9 / Bb. My current ...
Gary Andrews's user avatar
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Mozart K331 Rondo Alla Turca m.55 discrepancy (Urtext vs Urtext?)

I have the Wiener Urtext edition of the Mozart K331 (see cover image). As you can see in the picture, the 4th note of measure 55 of the Rondo Alla Turca is A (E#FGA). However, I saw two videos where ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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How many violins in a Mozart mass?

In several Barenreiter editions of string quartets, the indication Violino I is used to designate the first violin in the score. This makes perfect sense, as violino is the Italian singular form of ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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Differences in two Mozart Credo mass editions?

I want to study the orchestration of Mozart's "Credo" mass (k.257). There seem to be two editions available. One is available free on IMSLP; the other is fairly expensive to purchase. The ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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Where is the famous 'Papageno, Papagena duet' located in Mozart's opera 'Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)'? [closed]

Ah, it's good there is a place to ask this kind of question. I was looking for the location of the famous Papagena/Papageno song from the 'Die Zauberflöte' score but couldn't find it. Where is this ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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Is the Rondo in Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 15 ABABA?

I am going through listening exercises, and I am having a lot of trouble with recognising the Rondo Form. For example Mozart's Pinao Concert 15 - 3rd movement. Is this correct: A (16:52) B (17:48) A ...
hba's user avatar
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Does Mozart's 5th Piano Concerto Lack a Solo Theme?

As part of a listening exercise, I'm trying to assign various elements of double exposition form to the first movement of mozart's 5th piano concerto. Is it correct to say that it is missing a solo ...
hba's user avatar
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Need help with opening passage of the 4th mvt of Mozart Symphony No. 39, 1st violin part

Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble practicing this section of the piece. I've tried playing it slowly and gradually increasing the tempo, but I just cannot get it and it's quite frustrating. The problem ...
alyzzp's user avatar
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Mozart K.494: How do you play this (turn inside a tie)?

Mozart K.494 b.178 near the end of the movement. (This is the 3rd movement of the sonata K.533/K.494) This is in bass clef BTW. This image is the Bärenreiter edition. Henle puts only the turn option. ...
Anthony Alba's user avatar
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What differentiates Mozart from Clementi as composers for piano?

Mozart and Clementi were composing for piano in similar styles at the same time and both were considered greats of their day. The contemporary view, broadly speaking, is that Mozart is the superior ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Is this untreated major seventh acceptable because of the tonic pedal? (recapitulation of the 1st mov. of Mozart's Piano Sonata nº 7, K.309)

I am referring to the G-F# in m. 123. We are in G major, as I understand, heading to a PAC (m. 126) that will be reinterpreted as a half-cadence when the subordinate theme starts at m. 127. I am ...
Felipe Martins's user avatar
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Is Mozart - Concerto for Flute & Harp K.299 Rondeau in Sonata-Rondo form?

As a listening exercise I'm trying to see how the 3rd movement of Mozart's Concerto K.299 fits into the sonata-rondo form. I don't know how many times I've listened to this piece, I don't seem to be ...
hba's user avatar
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Understanding dissonance in Mozart's String Quartet No. 19

I perfectly understand how the dissonance is built as explained by Wikipedia : The first movement opens with ominous quiet Cs in the cello, joined successively by the viola (on A♭ moving to a G), the ...
MC68020's user avatar
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Was Mozart Bipolar? [closed]

Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart bipolar? After the death of his son, he has written his famous Piano Concerto in A Major which, in the second section demonstrates sad feelings, and in the last section ...
George's user avatar
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First Movement of Mozart's Horn Concerto no. 2, is it Sonata Form or Rondo Form?

So, I have come across an atypically structured first movement in Mozart's Horn Concerto no. 2 in Eb and I'm wondering if it is Sonata Form or Rondo Form, because it seems to have some characteristics ...
Caters's user avatar
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Why Sonata No. 16 K. 545 by Mozart is told to be done in C Major [closed]

I have seen an analysis of Sonata No. 16 K. 545 by Mozart here: May I know why ...
Vinod's user avatar
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Meaning of KV 311 in 'Sonata No. 8 D major, KV 311'

I have come across Mozart's composition: 'Sonata No. 8 D major, KV 311' What is the meaning of KV 311 in the name :'Sonata No. 8 D major, KV 311'.
Vinod's user avatar
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Mozart K545 Bar 36, Bass clef, last G, natural or sharp? [duplicate]

Mozart's sonata K545, Bar 36, bass clef, the urtext edition from sheetmusic2print shows a natural sign ♮ in front of the F rather than its preceding G (see picture, in red circle), why would the F ...
GrandAdagio's user avatar
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Does Mozart use music theory, and if so, what type of music theory? [closed]

I have heard various people argue that we are taking rules in music theory too seriously these days, often taking them as strict rules (such as the use of V-I cadences to end pieces), while earlier ...
J Li's user avatar
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Mozart's Requiem

We all know that he only completed the sections of I. Requiem, II. Dies irae, and III. Tuba mirum. While the rest was fragments and was completed by his pupil. Why did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart failed ...
George's user avatar
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What is it that brings a dance-like character in this Mozart rondo?

So, while listening to the rondo movements of Mozart's piano sonatas, I found one that has a dance-like character to it, despite its development. That would be the rondo from Piano Sonata in Bb K 333. ...
Caters's user avatar
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Is the Presto in Mozart's Divertimento in D in Ternary form or a Rondo?

I thought I had this settled in my mind that the Presto movement in Mozart's Divertimento in D is a Rondo. But the form of the movement is this: [: A :][: BA :] Where: A - Homophonic texture(...
Caters's user avatar
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Is it possible to stick too closely to Mozart in an arrangement?

One of the many musical things I do is arrange pieces by other composers. As far as composers go, the easiest for me to arrange is Mozart(probably because of a combination of early and sustained ...
Caters's user avatar
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What is the chord of the second bar of KV310/1

The score of the beginning first movement of Mozart's KV310 sonate can be seen and heard here. The first bar is the chord a minor, but what about the second bar (mi sol# si re la)?
Karlo's user avatar
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How am I supposed to orchestrate a D7 when the chordal seventh is emphasized?

This is something I have come across as I try to orchestrate Eine Kleine Nachtmusik for a symphony orchestra. A sort of harmonic ambiguity on Mozart's part. I'm talking about the chord at the repeat ...
Caters's user avatar
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Arranging K 545 for a string quartet, how to write the harmony part

So, I am trying a second time to arrange K 545 for a string quartet. I think my second draft is better harmonically speaking than my previous attempt to arrange the same sonata. But there is a whole ...
Caters's user avatar
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Moonlight Sonata vs K.331 Andante Grazioso

I learned the first part of K.331 "Andante Grazioso", and I was moving to the first variation. However, I am finding very huge difficulties in learning it, especially when I compare it with Moonlight ...
senseiwa's user avatar
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older sign for silence?

This is a manuscript from Mozart. Can anyone confirm that the sign that's circled is a silence and provide a bit more background about that symbol?
Lolo's user avatar
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Does Sforzando really mean a stronger accent?

I come across sforzando a lot as an arranger and even just as a classical music listener. I was told by my piano teacher that sforzando means a stronger accent than your typical accent mark. But I ...
Caters's user avatar
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How to write down this cadenza in Musescore?

I am arranging Mozart's Sonata in C minor for a string trio, and I am almost done writing down the second movement. But there are 2 cadenzas that I don't understand how to write down. I can do long ...
Caters's user avatar
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Can violins change notes in the middle of a double stop?

I am arranging Mozart's Piano Sonata for a string trio, because, when I listen to it, I hear 3 voices, with the bass voice in the Alberti bass being the first note and the lower melodic voice as being ...
Caters's user avatar
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Orchestration question: Should I change which woodwinds get which lines?

I have orchestrated the exposition of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and gotten several comments. Here I will concentrate on a single comment that I got, that the oboes are too high in bar 11. I got no ...
Caters's user avatar
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Understanding note stems as written in Mozart's K.331 Andante Grazioso

I have difficulties in interpreting two peculiar notes in Mozart's K.331 Andante Grazioso. I hope you can help in improving my performance. First question is about the D note evidenced with the arrow:...
senseiwa's user avatar
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How would Mozart have learned orchestration?

In the time before classic books on orchestration by Berlioz and Rimsky-Korsakov had been written, how would a composer such as Mozart have been able to learn to write for orchestra?
Cayden Johnson's user avatar
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Did Beethoven really usher in the Romantic Period?

Most people argue that because Beethoven kept pushing the boundaries further and further on sonata form and dissonance that he started the Romantic Revolution. On the other hand, I have heard a few ...
Caters's user avatar
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How to make the dominant preparation less boring?

This is one thing that I have always noticed when I compose a sonata. Even if I can get through most of the development section in sonata form, the dominant preparation sort of grinds my gears. I'm ...
Caters's user avatar
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Help with Mozart 6 bar long chord progression?

Can someone please explain what chords progressions are happening in this 6 measures ? My guess is that the first measure is a A chord and the last one is a V going to I . My confusing is regarding ...
chips's user avatar
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Difference between baroque and classical keyboard concertos

I'm trying to compare a Baroque Harpsichord Concerto with a Classical Piano Concerto. But I'm just wondering in what aspects that the Baroque Concertos influenced the Classical Piano Concerto. I am ...
Melody's user avatar
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Cyclic integration in music

In a book that I'm reading there is a term called cyclic integration, as follows: In the genres that are the main carriers of classical sonata-form evolution, Mozart began to achieve a marked ...
trequartista's user avatar
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2 editions of Schirmer K 545, why the difference?

I'm a bit confused. The first and third movements in the 2 editions I have of the K 545 sonata have no difference at all. But the second movement has a difference in the development section. Both ...
Caters's user avatar
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Is my strategy a good strategy?

Overall history I have noticed over the years that complicated Beethoven pieces, especially those with sudden dynamic changes, pieces with lots of octaves, and super fast pieces tense up my hands, ...
Caters's user avatar
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Why did Mozart only write two symphonies in a minor key?

Mozart wrote over fifty symphonies, but only two of them, the 25th and 40th, are in a minor key. Interestingly, those two are some of his most highly regarded and most often played works. Why did he ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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What kind of cadence is this?

I'm currently learning about periods and there is a question in the book, asking for the closure in m. 4. The book says it's a half cadence, but it ends on a I (or I64). The only half cadence I see ...
user45165's user avatar
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Examples of jokes by Mozart

I’m reading a book about Mozart and the author mentioned that Mozart liked to laugh and be happy. Hence, he used to joke a lot. Three kinds of jokes are mentioned: Those that everybody would ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
17 votes
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How to play this trill in Mozart's Piano Sonata 14 (K457)

How does one play this trill in this Mozart Sonata? Does it mean we play 3 notes (Eb, F, Eb) before the last two notes of the second bar? Or how many trills does one have to play?
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