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Questions tagged [mute]

For questions relating to the techniques or equipment involved in muting the natural sound of an instrument. Not intended for questions regarding the silencing of recording tracks

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8 votes
3 answers

How to make a brass instrument quieter?

I play trumpet at home. I feel a little uncomfortable playing because of the loudness. I found the Silent Brass series by Yamaha, which makes brass sound quieter, and you can still hear everything ...
DoctorMoisha's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Is it okay to remove the cork from a trumpet's mute?

I bought a mute for my trumpet because I want to practice playing in my dorm. However, it is not very effective in minimizing the noise I make when I play. I suspect that it is the pieces of cork ...
TribalChief's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Effective ways of muting saxophone

The question has been partially answered here before but for an inexperienced, self-taught musician who lacked the skills to control volume through embouchure adjustments. I was wondering if there ...
Pyromonk's user avatar
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