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Questions tagged [slurs]

For questions related to the notational technique of connecting two distinct pitches either in phrasing or articulation. Questions may also necessitate the notation or engraving tags.

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2 answers

Can you help me understand the curve in this piano score?

I am learning piano by myself; working on the following passages of Deşifre Çalışması: I can't understand the curves (marked in white) on this page: Can you help me?
Sakura's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you play a slur for the same note? [duplicate]

I am learning a new piece on piano and there's a slur between the same note like this: Am I supposed to strike the key twice and use the sustain pedal in between?
Ryan's user avatar
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Slur shape change

Using LilyPond, I am re-typesetting a score which uses an unusual symbol. Essentially, it is a slur between two adjacent notes, but the slur is mirror-imaged around its longest dimension. ...
Charles Nix's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I end a slur in multiple alternative endings in Lilypond?

I'm trying to get lilypond to create a slur that ends in multiple alternative endings to a repeat. Here's what I have at the moment: \relative c' { \repeat volta 2 { c d e f( \alternative { ...
Andrew Cooper's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Slurs and repeats in LilyPond

In a piece I have a bunch of: b( es b es b es) b( es b es b es) repeating stuff. I'd like to just copy-paste whatever template and insert the notes once. I could do: \repeat unfold 6 { c d } or: ...
pihentagy's user avatar
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2 answers

K. 397 different versions

When looking for this score I see slightly different versions in terms of phrasing/slurs. Bars 7-12 for example here vs Is the 2nd ...
jackseven's user avatar
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2 answers

Slur for same-pitch notes in chords: Tie or not?

I encountered this in Mozart KV 310: Should I repeat the C here?
lovetl2002's user avatar
4 votes
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LilyPond - opacity of objects (slurs specifically)

I am transcribing a manuscript of BWV 1011 (prelude) and there are a few slurs that appear to be a little faint: Is there a way in which the slur opacity can be controlled in LilyPond?
eftshift0's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I play what looks like a double legato?

What is this (in the green rectangle)? To me it looks like 2 legatos. How do I play it on the violin? It's the beginning of the 15th piece, "A-hunting we will go", from the Doflein Method, ...
l0r3nz4cc10's user avatar
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1 answer

Which publishers use editorial slurs and ties with a stroke?

A bit strange question here: have you ever encountered a slur or tie marked as editorial with short stroke in the middle (like the one that can be found e.g. in Dorico)? The thing is, I try to ...
Alex Kowal's user avatar
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How to fix legato errors on repeats

I'd like to fix two errors with legato appearance near the repeat sign. I'd like the legato before the repeat (inside the 1st volta) to extend slightly to the right from the A note to emphasize that ...
Dmitry Kabanov's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

NullVoice is affecting the orientation of ties and slurs in LilyPond

Adding a NullVoice to a staff with two other voices affects the orientation of ties and slurs. Consider the following three Examples and their output: \version "2.22.2" << \new ...
iTeaMaster's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Sextuplet vs pair of triplets

A single sextuplet and a pair of triplets are similar in the fact that their rhythmic note values are equal, but are different (as affirmed in this post) in that usually a sextuplet should only have ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
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5 answers

Slurs for flute

In writing for the flute when the composer does not play the instrument himself, how does he know where to put the slurs? To my understanding slur markings for woodwind indicate to play with a certain ...
Jack999's user avatar
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Why include both "sempre legato" and slur marks?

In Mendelssohn's 6 Kinderstücke Op. 72 No. 2 "Andante Sostenuto" (See the first 6 bars in the image below) there is the indication to play "sempre legato" and there are slurs as ...
Qvantvm's user avatar
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Slurs and Finger Substitution

In ABRSM "The AB Guide to Music Theory, Part I, Ch 11.2" on "The Slur": they show the following example (Bartok, For Children, Vol. 1 No. 3) And they say that the end of a slur ...
Qvantvm's user avatar
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2 answers

In the "Puff the magic dragon" piano sheet music is the slur being applied to both staves?

In the image below, concerning the third slur, I am trying to figure out if I should be playing both hands legato? Two reasons for that: The melody is traveling between the two staves. The first few ...
drvnob's user avatar
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4 answers

Sustain Pedal connecting Slurs

In this simplified Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 20, the sustain pedal connects notes belonging to two separate slurs in the first and second measures. Should the sustain pedal be left off for a moment ...
Qvantvm's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between two connected slurs and one big slur?

I want to play this piece. This is the third lesson from the Bergmüller Opus 100 book and the piece name is 'La Pastorale'. There is a slur for these notes: G,B,C,D and another slur for these notes: ...
Babak Mehrabi's user avatar
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Are slurs on a score for piano as well?

With piano I dont really see/hear the point yet of having slurs because of its sound. I find it difficult to play more legato than is normal. Please can someone enlighten me. Are slurs for piano ...
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Lilypond - Slur arrow-heads changable between left and right side

I found this code for slur-arrows in this question and adapted this answer to make it look nicer. \version "2.22.0" slurArrow = \once \override Slur.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((...
nath's user avatar
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2 answers

Question on 1/4 notes and 1/8 notes on same chord

I have a simple question on the following image. How would I know if the first C is a quarter note or eighth note? Could this ever be considered a tie between the two C's ? Additional: This is the ...
Darren's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Slurs within slurs

How do I play the slurs with in the larger slur? Can you play this two ways? One big slur or individual slurs?
Jazzfess's user avatar
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Is there a way to automatically "flatten" a slur in LilyPond?

Consider the following notation: The slur in the top staff looks normal to me; the end points of the slur are located above the end of the note stem. But the second slur is less ideal, because its ...
Richard's user avatar
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Can a phrase mark extend two staves?

I was watching Liszt B minor Sonata on YouTube with the sheet music when I came across what looks like a Slur covering the grand stave. I haven’t seen this before, if it’s common one obviously needs ...
cmp's user avatar
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How to write a slur to nothing in LilyPond?

Just like this: This is a Piano Staff, the example was created on MuseScore. The \laissezVibrer slur only creates a small slur. I don't mind whether the slur crosses the measure or not, I just don't ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
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Slur or tie rule for chords in piano

I know there are a lot of questions asking related points but I haven't found an identical question to mine. Question: Is there a rule for identifying a tie from a slur in piano chords? Do you need ...
Puco4's user avatar
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11 answers

Can you not Slur notes of the same pitch?

Is this true? I can't help but feel it is not? a slur does not connect two or more notes of the same pitch Source: Kind of makes sense, you may wish to ...
cmp's user avatar
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3 answers

Trouble with piano pedal notation

I'm trying to play this piece, there's no sign to use the sustain pedal in the sheet music, but when I play it and compare it to the original track, I feel that the sustain pedal should be used. I am ...
mohaKH's user avatar
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1 answer

What does tying an acciaccatura to the principal note with a slur imply?

Note that this is not a duplicate of this question, which asks for a grace note tied to the same principal note. This is more generally about tying grace notes (specifically acciaccaturas) to any ...
KeizerHarm's user avatar
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Liebesleid (Love's Sorrow) - Kreisler (arr. Rachmaninoff), tie or slur?

I'm currently learning Liebesleid (Love's Sorrow) - Kreisler (arr. Rachmaninoff) and I'm a bit confused about the last tie/slur of this part. Is it the E that's tied or is it the A that's slurred? At ...
Simon's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Fermata tie confusion

Can someone help me understand what the circled notation is instructing in this simple piece by Markham Lee? Are the notes tied? I'm confused as how they can be tied and staccato at the same time.
MotherBrain's user avatar
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3 answers

What do three layers of slurs mean for violin?

Here's a four-measure excerpt from an arrangement for violin (by Maxim Jacobsen). There are points in the score – two indicated in red here – where there are three slurs in effect simultaneously. ...
feetwet's user avatar
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What does this V-Shaped Slur denote?

It looks like a regular slur, but at an obtuse angle. This example is from Liszt's Mephisto Waltz No. 1, where it connects an F natural to an E. I have only seen this a couple of times, so I'm just ...
Connor's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Where should I change bow direction for these notes?

Here is a small extract from Mendelssohn's Piano Trio No. 1, Op. 49, II Andante con moto tranquillo: Until I can redo the screenshot, these notes should be marked as staccato too I am a bit confused ...
marcellothearcane's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Lilypond acciaccatura slur position

Lilypond issue: I'm trying to get the slurs in acciaccatura to look like this (generated in Musescore): Notice that the slur is beneath the grace note. However, Lilypond insists on putting the slur ...
SimonM68's user avatar
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5 answers

Legato & Fermata notation on tied notes

I would like to ask two quick things. If you notate a slur (legato, not a phrase slur) on a tied note, will this include the tie (1.1) or not (1.2)? If you notate a fermata on a tied note and want ...
Andy's user avatar
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3 answers

Slur and tie confusion

Not sure how to play this. It's in the bass clef. My understanding is that the first curved line (green) is called a "slur," which means "move smoothly from note 1 to note 2." And the lower line is a "...
Paulo's user avatar
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2 answers

Violin - Slurring double stops

I was reading some violin sheet music when I came across something that looked like a slurred double stop. Here is an image: The problem is that both double stops use the same fingers, but on ...
xilpex's user avatar
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Violin - Playing a slurred staccato [duplicate]

I was reading some violin sheet music when in on measure you had to play something that looked like a slurred staccato. How would you play a slurred staccato on the violin? Here is how the sheet music ...
xilpex's user avatar
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1 answer

How to cross staff slurs in lilypond?

\language "english" global = { \key c \minor \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4 } right = \relative c'' { \global < g c d g >1\arpeggio \bar "||" } left = \relative c, { \global <&...
like_it's user avatar
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Problem with a tie

Why is MuseScore not creating the last tree notes in the bass clef. See the picture. Every time I try to put a quarter note above the half note it disappears.
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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How to add rest above a note in LilyPond

I'm trying to typeset the following snippet of violin music. My first idea was to use two voices here but then I would not be able to make a slur between them. Is it possible without using manual ...
helcim's user avatar
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3 answers

Beethoven's Tempest sonata: tie or slur?

I'm learning the Tempest sonata, and I don't know how to read measures 72-73: In the measure right before the crescendo, that A-C chord with the right hand: is the A sustained while the C is released ...
Sergei Nikolayvich's user avatar
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How can I change slur from above to below notes when switching staff in Lilypond?

I have a music passage that crosses from the bottom staff to the top (in a Grand Staff) with a slur. But, I want the slur to go from above the notes on the bottom to underneath the note on the top ...
pr1268's user avatar
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Typeset a slur from a chord's middle note

I'm trying to typeset a piano piece, where the following two chords challenge my Lilypond skills: I'm sorry for the bad quality of the printed score (which is actually the reason why I'm ...
lenz's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I play this slur in 'Cockles and Mussels'?

Do I simply play both hands legato? Does the slur mean that anything that falls beneath it for both hands are to be played legato? I thought I knew how legato worked, but I'm not sure anymore.
klippy's user avatar
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2 answers

Dotted slur and two lyric stanzas with different amount of syllables

I have the following problem with two lyric stanzas for one voice, that have different syllables. The following example works with using an underscore at the end. \version "2.18.2" \paper { ragged-...
nath's user avatar
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2 answers

Unmatched pairs for LilyPond ties and slurs

In LilyPond, ties and slurs are expected to come in matched pairs. I keep coming across situations where a tie or a slur aren't matched. For example: As demonstrated in the MWE below, it is possible ...
EngBIRD's user avatar
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2 answers

slur or tie to no note in Lillypond

I am trying to have a slured note to 'nothing' in a musical example in my paper, like this: Any tie (~) or slur () I put in Lilypond (actually Frescobaldi), nothing happens. This is the code I am ...
Lotto's user avatar
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