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Questions tagged [staccato]

Staccato signifies a note of shortened duration, separated by silence from the note that may follow.

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3 votes
2 answers

Too much Staccato as a beginner guitarist, what to do? Can be naturally corrected in time?

Question itself already tells much. As I see, this is a common issue among new guitarists. My playing more of sounds like hammer drill. tik tik tik... I want to sound more of smoothly changing notes, ...
turanarican's user avatar
1 vote
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What's an easier way to separate the notes in a riff and runs?

So, I'm learning riff and runs and memorized major and minor scale. I happen to have a problem that my riff and runs are messy, so I followed this tutorial: Which is ...
Whatssuppp's user avatar
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Staccato and legato on a violin simultaneously? [duplicate]

Can anybody explain to me how it is possible, if possible at all, to play staccato and legato on a violin simultaneously? Here is a score I stumbled upon on YouTube: As ...
brilliant's user avatar
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Tenuto, legato and staccato on the same note

In the first bars of the Barcarola et Scherzo by Alfredo Casella the piano part has chords with legato, tenuto and staccato signs all together: What is the correct way to play these notes? What could ...
Mark's user avatar
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0 answers

Corridos staccato eightnotes or 16th notes? [duplicate]

La mesa del rincon is a song I am transcribing bass for. It is by Los tigres Del Norte. I am wondering if it is ok to use staccato eighth notes for the bass part, or are they actually supposed to be ...
user92558's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Duration of a note in Moldau score

Let's consider the piano version of Moldau/Vltava from Smetana, the first two measures for example: What should be the duration of the blue circled notes, as expressed in units of an eighth note: ...
Mathieu Krisztian's user avatar
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Regarding the music notation symbol "simili"

I have been researching the music notation symbol "simili" after coming across it in the piano score for Debussy's "Passepied" from the "Suite bergamasque". The score ...
Peyang's user avatar
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0 answers

What exactly are the different staccatos and are there any examples? [duplicate]

I am pretty new to piano and am starting to work on Moonlight Sonata. (I just finished Alfred's Level 1 book for context). My book (Beethoven Moonlight Sonata Alfred Masterwork Edition) says there are ...
Brittainey Saldaña's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Double staccato?

I was reading in "Gandalf" by Johan de Meij in the flute part, and found what looks like a note with two staccato markings on it (vertically stacked dots). I have attached a picture for ...
Maddie's user avatar
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1 answer

Duration of articulations (e.g. staccato, tenuto) for piano

QUESTION Staccatissimo, staccato, mezzo-staccato, portato, non-legato, tenuto, legato.* For piano, what would be a (rough) numerical representation of these articulations' gap duration for note ...
poppycat's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How to notate going from staccato to "normal"

I'm writing a piano piece where r.h. is meant to play staccato for a large section. Instead of adding staccato dots to all the notes, it seems simpler to me to state "All staccato" above the ...
Creynders's user avatar
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4 answers

Notation of staccato rhythm

I'm notating a line for bass and effectively want the 1st and 4th semiquaver of a beat played staccato. I've thought of four ways of notating this that I think would effectively sound the same if ...
yerman's user avatar
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2 answers

Staccato crotchet or quaver and rest, or staccato quaver and rest [duplicate]

What is the difference in the execution of these 3 rhythmic notations? A crotchet with staccato, a quaver note followed by a quaver rest, and a quaver note with staccato followed by a quaver rest
JohnNine's user avatar
11 votes
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What is the technical term for gap between notes

For example if I play staccato there is a silence between each note. What is the technical term for that silent part or silence duration? Note gap?
Invariant's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Should staccatissimo be observed in Bach's Fugue in D Minor in WTC 1 BWV 851

I am using the "Edition Peters" and there are notes which have a staccatissimo sign under some notes. Should these be observed? It seems to me that it disrupts the overall tonal quality of ...
Mary Scriven's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Notation - when to use staccato vs rests

I'm arranging a piece of music I wrote for string quartet, and I'm not sure what the most practical way of notating the following rhythm is. I'm self taught and rarely use written music, so I'm not ...
Innealtoir's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Help understanding staccato notation

Hello, in this passage of Bach's Italian concerto Presto, Are just the first notes of the base line played staccato? or is this shorthand for all the base notes to be played staccato?
Michael Hamann's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How long should a note actually be played for?

I'm writing a very simple computer program to play music, and I need to know how long notes should actually be played for. The answer is not exactly 100% of the time, because then there would be no ...
Magmatic's user avatar
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3 answers

Playing legato while staccato in Rachmaninoff's "Etude-Tableaux Op. 33"

In Rachmaninoff's 'Étude-Tableaux Op.33 No.4 in D-minor' there are plenty of places where you are supposed to play staccato while playing legato in the left hand (for example, measures 32-34 below). ...
Matriz's user avatar
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4 answers

What's the proper notation for holding one note of a chord while playing the other notes staccato?

I want to hold down the A key on the piano for 3 beats. During the first of these 3 beats ONLY the A key is held, but during the second and third beats, I press the C and E keys staccato on the beat. ...
stevendesu's user avatar
0 votes
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How to notate staccato on notes tied across a barline?

I'm a bit stuck on how I feel it's most appropriate to place staccato in a piece I'm writing. The excerpt below is not from the piece I'm working on -- I just wrote up a phrase to show how this ...
Connor Sannipoli's user avatar
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3 answers

Staccato and legato in Beethoven's Op.2 No.1 - how to play?

How should one play this passage in Beethoven's Op.2 No.1? One cannot play staccato and use the pedal because notes on the upper stave would not sound staccato.
Rui's user avatar
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2 answers

Series of semiquavers vs staccato quavers

What is the difference between: (a) a series of semiquavers with a semiquaver rest in between every pair, and (b) a series of staccato quavers where sound/effect is concerned?
Hypergeometricx's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Fermata tie confusion

Can someone help me understand what the circled notation is instructing in this simple piece by Markham Lee? Are the notes tied? I'm confused as how they can be tied and staccato at the same time.
MotherBrain's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is staccato implied in the bass on this Burgmuller Arabesque?

Are the first four staccato marked based chords an implication to play the rest as such? It sounds utterly wrong to not do so (and difficult to coordinate). Is this implied staccato common practice in ...
MotherBrain's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Slurs Ending with Staccato

An extract taken from Exploring Piano Classics - Technique by Nancy Bachus May I ask why must it be shorten?
Dtjovan's user avatar
2 votes
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How to represent the staccato in the piano score?

I arranged the first movement of K 545 for a string quartet and I have gotten a lot of detailed feedback on everything from the unison between the 2 violins at the beginning measures to my bass line(...
Caters's user avatar
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Violin - Playing a slurred staccato [duplicate]

I was reading some violin sheet music when in on measure you had to play something that looked like a slurred staccato. How would you play a slurred staccato on the violin? Here is how the sheet music ...
xilpex's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the meaning of this extra rest? [duplicate]

This is the first bar of F. W. Mecham Op 92 - American Patrol Semiquaver triplet + quaver + quaver rest + quarter rest 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/4 = 2/4 + 1/8 ...
xvan's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Are the terms "stab" and "staccato" synonyms?

When I look up the term "stab" in Wikipedia it says: "In music, a stab is a single staccato note or chord that adds dramatic punctuation to a composition." So I was wondering, are stab and staccato ...
El ton's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are there many types of staccato?

I have seen staccato in a lot of pieces. And I have heard a ton of different ways of playing staccato. For example here is staccato that is notated but not played as a clear cut staccato at the very ...
Caters's user avatar
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12 votes
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In violin, how do you know if you should play staccato or spiccato?

The way I was taught, spiccato is a short note made by lifting your bow and lightly bouncing it (off-string), while staccato is a short note that is produced without lifting your bow, but instead by ...
notorious's user avatar
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3 answers

Legato and staccato in Mozart?

I'm not sure what this means in Mozart's K 545 but it is that same movement in which the left hand is almost 100% Alberti bass, that is the second movement. I see twice a passage of 8 16th notes ...
Caters's user avatar
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3 answers

BWV 1004 - Is there a pause by the end of Ciaccona or is it staccato?

I'm working on a project to set Bach's music on lilypond files (so that people can share and enhance to better match manuscripts). I just uploaded BWV 1004 to the repo but I'm wondering what's the ...
eftshift0's user avatar
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2 answers

A question on Staccato in the end of a slur (piano playing)

A staccato note in the end of a slur( 1) A normal staccato note(2) question Do I play the (1) the same as (2)?
ming's user avatar
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1 answer

How many dots do I need to denote a staccato of a chord with notes really close to each other?

When I want to denote the staccato of a chord with some notes that are really close, like this: Do I need a dot over each note? Is one dot over one of the notes enough?
Shevliaskovic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How are stacatto and tied notes interpreted? [duplicate]

In the second measure here (source) two notes marked with stacatto dots are also tied. Aren't these two things incompatible? How is this to be understood?
leonbloy's user avatar
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Αre these three dots over a note supposed to be staccato?

I'm learning Rhapsody in Blue. In the second and third measures(of the below portion) some of the chords have three dots over them. Are they staccatos? I am not sure how to play them. The only ...
james's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the bow supposed to be lifted when playing staccato?

When I use the bow on my double bass and play staccato notes, should I lift the bow in order to make the duration shorter or not? Sometimes I lift the bow and sometimes I just 'let go' of the note I ...
Shevliaskovic's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How to play repeating notes quickly in the left hand on the piano

I've been working on Fur Elise, and I came to one section repeating a single note staccato in the bass. How do I play this? I've tried playing it normally, but I can't sustain it for more than a ...
Luke_0's user avatar
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12 answers

Can legato notes be played staccato?

I've been working on this piece by Sousa, and I came across this oddity: Does this mean to play these notes somehow legato and staccato at the same time? If so, how would I play it? If not, what does ...
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