Questions tagged [vacuum-tube]

A device controlling electric current through a vacuum in a sealed bulb, usually made from glass. Vacuum tubes are now less common, but they are used in high end guitar, bass and some other amplifiers.

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33 votes
7 answers

How do I know when it's time to change a tube on my amplifier?

I think this would be a wonderfully instructive question to people who are new to tube amplifiers. In short, how do I know that it's time to change a tube, and what's a good strategy for figuring out ...
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30 votes
9 answers

Why do tube-based guitar amplifiers sound so good?

Is it just a cultural thing ("they've always sounded that way") or is there some basis in music theory for this?
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5 votes
3 answers

How to buy the "right" power attenuator for a tube amplifier?

I want to get a tube amplifier, but the tube amplifiers I fancy are generally at least 22W. I live in an apartment with thin walls, so I have to get it down to conversation/TV volume. This brings me ...
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