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Questions tagged [voice-change]

For questions about either gradual change to an individual's voice (especially puberty-related changes), or about abrupt changes due to other factors such as personal injury or illness.

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-2 votes
1 answer

Bruno Mars pitched down a major third, is this now in a range that most men could sing?

Everyone knows that Bruno Mars's songs are out of reach for the vast majority of male singers because of how high his voice is. However, if you pitch his songs down a major third (4 half-steps, 1/3 of ...
The Camp that Rolls's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Teacher needing helping with student's voice

So I am a private teacher and have a fourteen year old student that has a very hard time singing above an A5. Her voice either cuts out or is very unsupported and airy. It is also very shaky. There is ...
user98378's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

I’m 24 years old with a baby voice [closed]

I want to change my voice how do I do that because my voice sound like a little kid voice
Mallory Morrison's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Is head voice usable in comfortable range?

So im a baritone with d2 to c5 or d5(not sure yet because im still struggling in high notes). In one of my recent classes i might have realized something but not sure yet. I used to use my head voice ...
anotherstranger's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What Causes the Changes in Singer Voices Like Mick Jagger's?

His voice has gone from fairly musical/tonal to being more shouted than anything else. This was at least somewhat inspired by a recent question about the effects of smoking on a voice over time. Is it ...
C Teegarden's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why does my singing voice sound squeeky [closed]

Most of the times I sing on pitch but still my singing sounds extremely dull. . How can I fix this ?
Tony Mant's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

most karaoke songs are too high for me to sing

i am an untrained singer, and i did many tests in the youtube videos to check my vocal range.. i can hit (not necessary sing with confidence) the g2 - g#4. is it normal it i cannot sing most of the ...
adir abargil's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it better for the voice to match the music?

I'm 18 and very new to music theory. I was in band and middle school for a year and took Music Appreciation in my senior year of high school. But one thing I never came to understand was sound keys ...
Bree's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to deal with voice change?

I am a 14 year old boy and I think my voice is changing. Last year I used to nail notes from D4-G5 in my chest voice and I was always taking the high octave (even with the girls singing) but over the ...
akhil shah's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I'm a 17 year old boy who has been described as a Tenor, but somehow I feel like my voice hit a brick wall [closed]

First of all I have no idea how to warm up because somehow it feels pointless. second is that one day I would sing high and a few days or a week later it would seem like my voice is struggling to ...
Azekel's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Boy alto or counter-tenor?

This is a video of Stefan Kahle singing “Erbarme dich” from the Matthew Passion: My question: How old was he when this recording was made? Is he here still ...
fdb's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What voice to use when speaking?

OK, I believe I'm the first one asking this question because I tried to find answer everywhere and just couldn't! I am 15 years old (almost 16 years old). I always knew how to sing, and two years ...
Ronen Rozenberg's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Voice changes after illness

I recovered from the flu a few weeks ago, but my voice hasn't returned to its normal range. I'm a fairly high soprano usually, and have a comfortable range from about a Middle C to a high Eb. For ...
Lily Kendrick's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Passagio Points & Vocal Breaks

What the purpose of a singer or vocalist knowing the different breaks in their passagio. Does knowing your passagio points reveal what voice you're in?
Bryant Lewis's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to get a louder voice - layman

I don't make music anymore and particularly, I am not a singer, but simply would like to train my voice intensity and clarity. Singing was recommended to me so I made an attempt using this Vocal Match ...
xoxox's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Male Whistle Register?

Firstly, I'm a 15 year old male (soon to be 16) and since my voice changed because of puberty I couldn't sing as well as I used to. (I was in a church choir and one of the nuns told my mum that when ...
Jordan Wrob's user avatar