Assuming you mean X:1 L:1/4 M: K:C %%score T1 V:T1 clef=treble-8 % 1 [V:T1] " ∘"e' then e-string over 12th fret is pretty much the only practical natural harmonic. However, you can always also use an _artificial_ harmonic, e.g. b-string 5th fret and flageolett-pinch the string with the left hand over the 17th fret. If you instead mean X:1 L:1/4 M: K:C %%score T1 V:T1 clef=treble-8 % 1 [V:T1] " ∘"e then this should actually not be played on the e-string at all. It is best on the A-string over the 7th fret, alternatively on the low E-string over the 5th fret.