I have at my disposal I, I6, V and V7 and inversions as well as ii,ii6 and IV to harmonize this melody. I am also allowed to use the cadential 64. I am stuck on the beginning part on how to harmonize ^2 to ^4. I could use the cadential 64 on the first beat of bar 2 but I think that, given the bass notes below, the cadential V is on beat 3 of the second bar. That is why I began bar 2 with I moving to ii6. The reason I am stuck at the beginning is because if the ^4 is part of a V7 then having a subdominant chord for the 1st chord wont work because the 7th wont be prepared. Am I right then in saying that the only option I have then is to harmonize the first 2 chords with V7 chords or inversions? That way the 7th would be transfered from an inner voice in the 1st chord to the soprano in the 2nd chord.
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How to harmonize ^2 - ^4 - ^3