Sorry about the delay. First thing, Samba is basically 4/4 or 2/4, I really can't remember any song with odd time signature. If you do, please let me know! I like listening to odd time signatures. The thing is, while being very "simple", Samba is also very complicated. As you noticed, you have a lot of different types of it. I'm not a Samba expert, but I dare to say that "real" Samba is kind of *Lento* [like this][1], songs about love, everyday events and such. There's also [Bossa Nova][2], which is another type of Samba. The example is an old Samba performed by João Gilberto (he is credited as the creator of Bossa Nova). To exemplify my statement that Samba is simple yet complicated, look at the way the harmony, tempo, chord progression, voice and a "no music rules" way that he plays. Today's Samba is called *Pagode*, it is faster, happier, it is music for the masses. On the other hand, there's a singer - Vanessa da Mata - that takes Samba as an "elite" status, just like early days Samba was (sort of). Here's a remix of a song featuring Ben Harper - [Boa Sorte (Good Luck)][3] - I believe that's the kind of thing you want to do (although the video sucks). Unfortunately, I can't remember another artist that provides a performance that goes well with remixes. Hope I helped in some way. PS: João Gilberto is a genius. [1]: [2]: [3]: