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The system of pitches used by an instrument or in a piece of music, or the practice of adjusting the pitches that instruments or voices produce to be in accordance with the chosen system. When relevant, please also include the tag of your instruments, e.g. [guitar] or [violin].

0 votes

Can my 4 year old guitar still be tuned?

I have a vintage Fender Acoustic that was untouched for many years and it had a rusted saddle and tuning knobs, after a while the tuning knobs would begin to break off one by one so it is wise to replace … If your tuning knobs and saddle are rusted then tuning the guitar may not be your best option as your tuning knobs can just snap off if they are heavily rusted (Like what happened to my Fender). …
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3 votes

How to tune a ukulele to compensate for intonation issues

It all depends on what you will be playing but it'd be wise to compromise and tune to your median fret. I know that if I am going to be playing around the 10th fret then I'll tune my guitar to the 10t …
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1 vote

weird intonation problem on the highest string

There are many causes to poor intonation A bent neck. A twisted neck. The guitar saddle can be on a bad angle or height for the specific string. The most common type of guitar for this is a Stratoca …
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