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13 votes

What is the definition of "technically contrasting"?

It means they expect the musical choices to display different aspects of piano technique. For example, the Level 3 list (page 35) contains "Arabesque" by Johann Burgmüller (SCORE) "...
Aaron's user avatar
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11 votes

ABRSM Exams: Repeating of bars

The guidelines say "All da capo and dal segno indications should be observed but all other repeats (including first-time bars) should be omitted unless they are very brief (i.e. of a few bars) or ...
Simon B's user avatar
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7 votes

Double stops in ABRSM Grade 7 violin

These double-stop sixths will have the tonic of the scale up top, with the third of the scale on the bottom. In the book you found, those double-stop sixths are actually in the key of E♭ major; E♭ (...
Richard's user avatar
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7 votes

Violin squeak during chord caused by old strings?

Violin E-string squeaking is something that happens to the best of violinists. It's a natural problem because the E-string is so thin. Try changing the angle of the bow as you hit the string, the ...
Emily Williams's user avatar
6 votes

Piano Grade 2 Aural test - Triple or double time

This is an old chestnut! 6/8 is compound time, so called because it's a sort of mixture. It can be counted in a slower two, or a faster six. ONE--TWO-- , or ONE two three FOUR five six. So, it's ...
Tim's user avatar
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6 votes

Do the music examination bodies like trinity mandate playing the triads with with only (5-3-1) in Left Hand and (1-3-5) in Right Hand?

Do all examination bodies require 5-3-1 / 1-3-5? No. The ABRSM does not require any specific fingering for scales and arpeggios. From the 2021–2022 syllabus section on "Scales and Arpeggios":...
Aaron's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the correct rest grouping in 6/4 time?

TL;DR Both ABRSM study materials and Behind Bars by Elaine Gould indicate that the given notation is acceptable and should not be marked as incorrect. Why the test example is correctly notated First ...
Aaron's user avatar
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5 votes

Help with understanding ABRSM grades?

Not a complete answer, but this might help: You can find a pdf document here on the abrsm website, which gives full details of the exams, and lists the pieces you need to play to pass at each of the ...
Old John's user avatar
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5 votes

Would ABRSM accept scores from SheetMusicDirect or SheetMusicPlus in exams? says Sheet music obtained via digital download may be read from an electronic device in the exam. Devices must be switched off, except ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
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4 votes

Do the music examination bodies like trinity mandate playing the triads with with only (5-3-1) in Left Hand and (1-3-5) in Right Hand?

As far as my experience goes, no examiner will be looking at your hands anyway! Often, the piano keyboard itself is physically out of sight for the examiner. Their job, in an exam, is to listen to ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes

Is Moonlight (first movement) suitable for grade 7?

TL;DR The first movement of the Moonlight sonata has not been (publicly) graded by ABRSM, but the consensus puts it around grade 6, with grade 7 as a "maybe". I would err on the side of ...
Aaron's user avatar
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4 votes

ABRSM Practical Musicianship Exam - Do I need an accompanist?

Not having done this particular exam, but reading through the syllabus, it appears any accompaniment will be done by the examiner. Other parts of the exam will be solo. A clue as to what instrument OP ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Skipping Grades Music Theory

I imagine it's what a lot of folk do. I certainly did - take grade V theory as a passport to practical VI+. It's obvious that knowledge of the previous grades' content will be more than a bit ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Do I need to take the ABRSM practical exams to do the theory exams?

With the regime of ABRSM, it's necessary to pass grade V theory before taking VI, VII and VIII practical, on any instrument, but the other way round isn't a problem. You can take whatever you like, ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

ABRSM Exams: Repeating of bars

You're not supposed to repeat, but the examiner won't take marks off if you do. Save time and play right through.
Jeremy Lindsay's user avatar
3 votes

How to learn ABRSM music theory

The ABRSM theory example books are available, so there's no need to find a teacher, but, as Neil Meyer says, get one, at least for a few pointers. As a grade VIII player, you'll have a good idea of ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the definition of "technically contrasting"?

Etudes or pieces focusing different technical difficulties. For example, a etude of scales in octaves and other for staccato left hand.
Rodrigo B. Furman's user avatar
3 votes

Should I stop taking lesson from a Jazz guitar player when I want to learn Classical guitar?

Several separate issues, it appears. Firstly, cost. You're happy with the charge made by present teacher, but would have to pay more, maybe considerably more, for another. Your choice. Next, ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

ABRSM Practical Musicianship Exam - Do I need an accompanist?

According to the ABRSM website: For in-person exams: Applicants must make sure that candidates bring their own accompanist. The candidate’s teacher may accompany; the examiner will not accompany ...
Aaron's user avatar
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2 votes

Restarting music lessons/exams and beginning teaching

Consider the age group of your student teaching a 6 year old who lives across the road It's true that everyone learns differently, but generally you can anticipate your student's ability to learn ...
dkmann's user avatar
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2 votes

How to learn ABRSM music theory

I'm a music theory teacher who specialises in training students for the ABRSM exams. If you want to take the exams, then it's a good idea to begin at grade 1, even though it will be quite easy. I ...
Victoria Williams's user avatar
2 votes

ABRSM Exams: Repeating of bars

I got a mark taken off on the A piece of my grade 5 piano exam (a Haydn composition), presumably for omitting the D.C. in the Minuet and Trio (as the examiner made reference to the fact that I did not ...
Shayaan Rasul's user avatar
2 votes

How long on average does it take to receive ABRSM grading results?

This page on ABRSM's website should give you everything you need to know. There, you'll see a table that shows you when to expect results based off of when she took the exam: Underneath the table is ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes

Piano Grade 2 Aural test - Triple or double time

Was your teacher playing from an ABRSM publication of sample tests? I doubt they'd throw you a curve ball in a Grade 2 exam! But if they do, and you clap 'fast 6' to a tune in 6/8, I'm sure the ...
Laurence's user avatar
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2 votes

Skipping Grades Music Theory

You can do that. It is not required of you to do grades from initial level up to grade 8 level, but in most cases it would be beneficial to you to do all the grades to equip yourself for the next ...
Crispian's user avatar
2 votes

Practising multiple pieces

At dip. level, you and your teacher should be addressing this. It's a personal thing, and while one may say practise all four simultaneously, another may say do one for a week/fortnight, then another, ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 votes

Skipping ABRSM grades to grade 5 theory?

A lot of folk just go straight into grade V theory, as a gateway to V+ practical. If you've been playing a while, you must already know a fair bit of theory, maybe unaware of that. It's impossible to ...
Tim's user avatar
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