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19 votes

Best practices for community choir audition with unknown song

I share your puzzlement about the audition. As a choral conductor myself, I wonder why they choose a standard audition piece without informing the candidate. If the desire is to see how well the ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 24.4k
17 votes

Why does Bach not resolve this chordal seventh down by step?

The D on the fourth beat in the alto is an error. It should be an E. You can compare editions at IMSLP. Both the original edition of the 1780s and the second engraving of 1831 have the E; the D was ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 24.4k
12 votes

Why doesn't vocal music use C clefs nowadays?

I think they've simply fallen out of use, to a point where most musicians are unfamiliar with them. The vast majority of music for both voice and instruments are written in treble or bass clef. Back ...
Frederick Zukowski's user avatar
9 votes

What's wrong with my strategy of recording two groups of 50 chorus members singing to an accompaniment over Zoom, and then mixing everything together?

As existing answers & comments have established, forget Zoom. Also forget trying to run 50 sets of headphones through an amp - as far as I know 8 channels is luxury in headphone amps, unless you ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 27.9k
8 votes

What's wrong with my strategy of recording two groups of 50 chorus members singing to an accompaniment over Zoom, and then mixing everything together?

I definitely have my doubts about the approach. (Also, TLDR spoiler: It's not really a new problem, and there are other solutions.) Among the problems a pessimist could imagine: On recording day, you ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
  • 18.7k
8 votes

Numbers at the start of hymn

They represent the number of syllables that fit to the lines of the tune. Thus, any hymns with the same series of numbers can be sung to any other (with the same numbers). And vice versa.
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes

Best practices for community choir audition with unknown song

Auditions are a different experience from concerts or lessons, and unfortunately most folks get to spend very little time getting used to them. The very best way to "get better at auditions" ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
  • 18.7k
6 votes

What's wrong with my strategy of recording two groups of 50 chorus members singing to an accompaniment over Zoom, and then mixing everything together?

Horribly complicated and prone to glitches. Do it this way. Record the accompaniment. Point some speakers at the singers. Point some microphones at the singers. As far as possible, try not to ...
Laurence's user avatar
  • 94.8k
5 votes

How should I choose a piece for a beginners choral audition?

The choice of piece matters very little (especially in a "no prior experience" audition). What matters is that you use a piece that you are comfortable with and know well, and that shows ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
  • 18.7k
5 votes

Is there a word in English to describe instances where a melody is sung by multiple singers/voices?

There's no formal term, but "in chorus" or "in concert" would be understood to mean what you have in mind.
Aaron's user avatar
  • 92.5k
5 votes

Where does divisi marking go if vocalists begin a slurred/tied note together, but end it divided?

Use version a without the div. indication. Elaine Gould, in Behind Bars, advises as follows: Voice-part division on a single stave in rhytnmic unison A divided voice part should take a single set of ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 92.5k
5 votes

Why do people think rapping is new and different from singing?

Why do people think rapping is new and different from singing? Because, well, they are. Perhaps you meant to ask what the differences are. I asked this because I don’t think rap and singing are ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 24.4k
5 votes

Is this breathing indication unclear?

Both the period after "elements" and the breath mark between "elements" and "Clouds" are correct. The structure set up in the previous two phrases is a breath every four ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 92.5k
4 votes

Name and meaning of "mirrored" accent sign

A simple way to obtain this symbol in LilyPond is to use the rotation property to rotate a normal accent. \version "2.22.2" reverseAccent = \tweak rotation #'(180 0 0) \accent { c'-> ...
Jean Abou Samra's user avatar
4 votes

In what form are the pieces "12 Days of Christmas" and "Green Grow the Rushes-O"?

Songs like those are called cumulative songs (or perhaps songs of complexity since computer scientist Donald Knuth published this article). I don't know of a term specifically for those based on the ...
Old Brixtonian's user avatar
4 votes

How to condense an SATB choir section with mixed dynamics, voices & hairpins

One way is to place any expression markings relative to that voice's placement on the staff. In other words, markings relating to the soprano and tenor lines should go above their respective staves, ...
Richard's user avatar
  • 84.9k
4 votes

Organizing a HUGE music library

Well, I'd look at what a public library would do. In my [misspent] youth, the card catalog would include, for example, a card listed under composer's name referring to one of those omnibus volumes ...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar
4 votes

Why do people think rapping is new and different from singing?

It probably has more to do with the fact that rapping is closer to rhythmic recitation than singing at a defined pitch. At least, that's why I think that rapping is different from singing. Not speed, ...
Divizna's user avatar
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3 votes

Does "the original" Dies Irae show up in Verdi?

No. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Giuseppi Verdi were among the composers of religious works who wrote original music on the text of the hymn. Note: I'm sure someone will come along and claim some ...
Athanasius's user avatar
  • 12.7k
3 votes

Bobby McFerrin Psalm 23

We could argue whether the bass Eb on beat 1 affects the tenor note on beat 4, particularly as the notation doesn't use seperate 'stems up' and 'stems down' voicing. But I think it was sensible of ...
Laurence's user avatar
  • 94.8k
2 votes

How to identify the 4-part chorale?

These four-part chorales are still triad chords. The only difference is that: Like @replete said, one of the notes (usually the root of the chord) is doubled--For example, in the first chord, there ...
AduyummY's user avatar
  • 124
2 votes

How did composers use the technique of "fauxbourdon"?

Seems like all you have to do is have an instrument play a single-note line that is a fixed interval below the melody line. So if you have a synth playing a certain melody, then another synth or ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
  • 57.7k
2 votes

Reducing staff numbers in LilyPond

Short answer: yes, or pretty close. Basic template: top = { \repeat unfold 4 { b'4 } } mid = { \stopStaff s1 \startStaff g'4^\markup "Tutti" 4 4 4 } low = { \clef bass \repeat unfold 4 { ...
Neal's user avatar
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2 votes

can you major in choral works as an instrumentation or is it just voice?

When people study music they can pick a concentration: voice, a instrument, composition, and conducting are all quite common. A person can focus graduate studies in choral conducting, but it is not ...
jjmusicnotes's user avatar
  • 25.6k
2 votes

Why doesn't vocal music use C clefs nowadays?

why doesn't vocal music nowadays use C clefs? The use of treble clefs for choral scores arose in the 19th century. (Treble clef for soprano parts is common outside of German-speaking Europe even ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 24.4k
2 votes

Why doesn't vocal music use C clefs nowadays?

Most singers who can read music will have learned in the course of learning a musical instrument. Piano is the most common, and of other instruments the higher sounding ones are often preferred for ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 votes

Name and meaning of "mirrored" accent sign

The arranger is indicating that the word should be accented against its normal pattern of emphasis. Ordinarily, the second syllable of "rättfärdig" ("-fär-") receives the emphasis; ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 92.5k
2 votes

Name and meaning of "mirrored" accent sign

The "reverse accent" is a legitimate articulation symbol in Musescore called "Fade in":
Dekkadeci's user avatar
  • 14.2k

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