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5 votes

How do I notate a passage in acoustic guitar, in order to make the lowest note ring?

An awful lot of acoustic guitar music is not written as accurately as would be expected. But notes which are obviously the bass note which would ring through the bar would be seen as such, even if not ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 196k
4 votes

How do I notate a passage in acoustic guitar, in order to make the lowest note ring?

In fact I would rather notate this as such: And while doing this is less effort to do, it conveys a different meaning. As Tim said, a professional guitarist might understand what was meant, and play ...
Lazy's user avatar
  • 22k
3 votes

How do you do percussive strumming with melody lines on guitar?

Here are the techniques he's using: His strumming pattern is pretty basic, I'd notate it as sixteenth notes, each beat is down-up-down-up. He often misses the strings on the upstrokes, so it's an ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
  • 57.7k
2 votes

Why does most "Country" Music use mostly major and minor plain simple chords?

Most of what people might consider country music today is not actually country music in it's purest form and bears almost no sonic resemblance to its roots. Certain sub-styles of country music such as ...
Roman's user avatar
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1 vote

Singing while playing a complex or off-beat guitar melody

This is a classic example of “pat your head and rub your stomach in a circular motion at the same time”, or doing two independent things that are not necessarily that difficult on their own ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
1 vote

Different timbre per voice

If you're using two voices on one staff, you can exclusively palm mute one voice and not the other. For example, on the attached screenshot: I selected voice 1 I highlighted the whole bar I selected &...
James Whiteley's user avatar

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