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2 votes

Forcing volta brackets to be closed (v2.24.3)

Use \allowVoltaHook "|.|" on toplevel to set voltas to hook down at this bar line glyph. Alternatively we might do something like \once\override Score.VoltaBracket.before-line-breaking = #(...
Lazy's user avatar
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5 votes

Trill with “no turn” in Lilypond

You can do this like this: { << { \override TrillSpanner.bound-details.right.text = \markup\lower #2.5 \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) \right-align\italic "...
Lazy's user avatar
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2 votes

LilyPond: stretch space between piano staves to make room for kneed beam

The issue here is that the default space is not sufficient to nicely space in the left hand f with accidental and the right hand ab. You can see this if you remove the accidental: Then there is no ...
Lazy's user avatar
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3 votes

To prepend / precede a text property with a hash mark, or not to prepend / precede a text property with a hash mark. That is the question

For this you need to understand what # actually means. Lilypond is a both a program and a language for encoding music. The program Lilypond does take the language, parses it and evaluates it and then ...
Lazy's user avatar
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9 votes

Why name the staves in LilyPond's "published" "Solo piano" template?

You're right in thinking that the = "upper" just assigns a name to the staff, and so you're also right in thinking that removing the names makes no (immediate) difference. However, there may ...
Ramillies's user avatar
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Tweaking space between systems with lilypond-book

lilypond-book generates each line/system as an independent PDF. Those PDFs contain no padding, and so if you have no dynamics, staff-text or ledger lines, the staffs can get crammed together like ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Changing the size of all grace notes with Lilypond

Glorfindel's answer was very helpful. I also had the same problem with \slashedGrace though, in that I don't want the slur signs. I was able to solve that problem by altering the syntax slightly, ...
Robert Felty's user avatar

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