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11 votes

Minor differences between two recorded guitars

It's hard to tell from the images what it actually sounds like, as there's no time-scale, but that's the criterion I'd use - what it sounds like. Sometimes, a good groove is based on the average beat-...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 27.9k
10 votes

"Error initializing CoreMIDI" starting Logic Pro X on Mojave

This is a known issue in Mojave. There's something wrong with CoreMIDI that causes it to take much longer to initialize than it used to. Logic Pro X has a hard-coded CoreMIDI initialization timeout ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
  • 57.7k
9 votes

Removing bad frequencies from electric guitar

If you have a problem with "hiss" in a sound, then it's rarely something that needs to be solved with a narrow frequency peak: you more than likely just need to cutoff highs above a certain point. ...
Some_Guy's user avatar
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8 votes

Logic Pro X Score creates triplets instead of a measure packed with 16th notes

Try opening your score editor then on the left hand side make sure the “region” box is opened. The second item down in the region box is “quantize”. This is the quantizing of the visual written notes, ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
6 votes

How to cut off a pick noise a little bit using an equalizer?

An equalizer works on the complete signal. It's like using a camera filter in order to mask some unwanted detail in a scene you are photographing. A pick noise is a sharp "click". This has a wide ...
user42747's user avatar
6 votes

Logic Pro takes 2 sec. to play 1 bar of 2/2 time at 120bpm. But shouldn't it be 1 sec.?

You are correct and Logic is wrong if looking at beat in the traditional way. Logic and most other DAWs will always assume the quarter note gets the beat no matter what the time signature is so it ...
Dom's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I apply a plugin only to the lower frequencies?

Instead of sending it to two different busses, just duplicate the track. Put a high pass filter on one copy, and a low pass filter on the other copy and make sure the cutoff frequencies are the same. ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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6 votes

How to make Flex Markers appear in Logic Pro X?

You may need to hit the "Show/Hide Flex" button, which is next to the "Show/Hide Automation" button. The keyboard shortcut is Command-F. Additionally, you don't need to delete all the alternate ...
Peter's user avatar
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6 votes

Panning distorted guitars (get the attack sound)

By copy/pasting the exact same sound to two tracks then panning them hard left & right, you have in fact created a mono sound that just takes up two tracks. In stereo recording, the very ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a way to balance the panning of an audio file?

I figured it out! 👏 In the left inspector channel strip (this is where you will find your plugins), select "Gain" ("Stereo", not "Dual Mono"). When you receive the Gain ...
ASA MATTHEWS's user avatar
5 votes

Move track from Ableton to Logic Pro

The only way to do this is to bounce all your tracks down, one way or another. You can export all your MIDI tracks as MIDI files which will include automated controller data. You can import these ...
Ralphonz's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I mix vocals well, with only a single line of recording?

Of course you could copy the track and add distortion to the copy and now you have a distorted copy. Personally I would not use the words "crisp" and "clear" to describe vocals ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
  • 57.7k
5 votes

Is there a way to balance the panning of an audio file?

So, this is actually a mono file that has erroneously been rendered as single-channel stereo. So one fix is to convert it back to mono, which can then be used like any other mono file (panned to ...
leftaroundabout's user avatar
5 votes

DAW mixing: Bass and Piano solo’d clips but not individually

It’s as if there’s some kind of interaction/“additive” effect going on between these groups/tracks. When you sum two channels, the resulting waveform is a sum of the two added waveforms. three ...
user1079505's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I reasonably deal with a clef change?

A cello has an incredibly wide range. The general consensus is about 4 octaves from C2 to C6. This goes from the C two ledger lines below the bass clef staff to the C two ledger lines above the treble ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
4 votes

LogicPro - Numbers on midi track

It's the MIDI "program change" number which is usually used to indicate what instrument should play on that channel (and track in this case). General MIDI dictates a specific list of what instruments ...
user37496's user avatar
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Logic Pro X: keyboard shortcut to move the playhead to the begining of selected region

For US Keyboard layout, it's Control-Home. If you want to play selected region(s), it's Shift-SpaceBar
Lyric Roy's user avatar
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Logic Pro X: keyboard shortcut to move the playhead to the begining of selected region

The accepted answer is spot on - just wanted to add one important thing... If you're using a laptop - ctrl-home is produced by pressing ctrl-fn and the left arrow key.
Bob Broadley's user avatar
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4 votes

Tying aux track automation to a region?

Great question, Dom! Luckily, in Logic Pro X you can use regions on Aux Tracks. AFAIK, you can place MIDI regions on Aux Tracks, but not Audio. (In fact, this is really helpful for controlling Multi-...
Bob Broadley's user avatar
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4 votes

converting midi track to software instrument track in Logic Pro

I don’t know if you can actually change one type of track to another, my guess is you cannot but there is a much easier solution. First start by doing a “save as” and change the name slightly so you ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
4 votes

How to avoid losing vocal comp on Logic Pro X when recording another take?

When recording a take folder in Logic, you can create multiple "comps". Your first comp should be "Comp A". In your bottom image, if you click on the B next to the disclosure ...
Bob Broadley's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create a solfege instrument in Logic Pro X?

You have at least two options: Find a VST/AU instrument that includes those sounds. There are plenty of vocal synths but I don't personally know of any that do "fixed-do" as opposed just "oohs" and "...
user37496's user avatar
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3 votes

Who do I need to do if I want to keep my buffer size low?

Below is a shot of the latency numbers from Focusrite's page on the Clarett line specifically: This chart shows us a few interesting things. First, latency is also a function of sample rate, and more ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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3 votes

Logic Pro X 192kHz sample rate problem

Ok I got it. I set up a similar Logic session and tested different things. Short answer: Your system doesn't have the processing power to support 192 kHz sample rate for the amp designer plugins. ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I quickly change output of channel strip in Logic Pro X

You might find it easier to change the output using the Channel Strip in the Inspector, rather than in the mixer, as it has a less restricted view. In the picture below you can see the Inspector ...
Bob Broadley's user avatar
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3 votes

Logic Pro takes 2 sec. to play 1 bar of 2/2 time at 120bpm. But shouldn't it be 1 sec.?

I suspect that the bpm you specify is in crotchets (quarter notes) per second. In 2/2, you have two minims (half notes) per bar. Hence, you also have four crotchets a bar (obviously). If the 'beat' ...
endorph's user avatar
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3 votes

Notes become silent after move in logic

In garage band those bars visualize expression. Could be the beginning of the region has 0-values for expression, which would mute the sound
Creynders's user avatar
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Removing bad frequencies from electric guitar

Some multi-FX processors have parametric EQs that will allow you to sweep a peak (or trough) in the way you describe. Here's an example from the (manual of the) Zoom G3: If you're not using a multi-...
Нет войне's user avatar
3 votes

Long notes without hardware

There are effects for DSPs that will provide either a Sustain effect, or as in the Rush example, it's a simple delay with the wet balance attack slowed considerably to lose the pick sound. For the ...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
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