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How do you make reference to this note in a relative way?

C♯ may be called the raised tonic. It can also be called the (secondary) leading tone to the supertonic or to the second degree of the scale. D♭ is a minor second above C sharp. You can call it flat ...
phoog's user avatar
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How do you make reference to this note in a relative way?

When in 12-TET The piano is tuned using 12-tone equal temperament (12-TET), which means that the note played by the black key immediately to the right of the white key of C is one semitone above C (...
Gandalf The Bard's user avatar
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How do you make reference to this note in a relative way?

The flat-two is sometimes referred to as the Neapolitan. In music theory, this has a more specific meaning about how the b2 is being used, but for your purposes, it should be an unambiguous way to ...
Aaron's user avatar
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