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How are notes named in Japan?

There are traditional systems of scales, chiefly pentatonic, which do not directly correspond obviously to the Western system, and notation systems for traditional instruments, which I believe are ...
Brian Chandler's user avatar
2 votes

Humming to Brian Eno's "Needles in the Camel's Eye"

What you are humming is actually the top notes of the guitar chords of an 8 bar progression. Our ears tend to gravitate to the top notes when we hear chords. In this case the notes are better referred ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
1 vote

Humming to Brian Eno's "Needles in the Camel's Eye"

A principal element in music is not pitch in and of itself, but the interval– the "distance" – between pitches. Each interval has a characteristic sound that is distinct from other intervals....
Aaron's user avatar
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9 votes

How are notes named in Japan?

According to Wiktionary, the Japanese have a heptatonic solfège system that uses the syllables ha, ni, ho, he, to, i, ro, corresponding to do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti. The characters are ハ, ニ, ホ, ヘ, ...
phoog's user avatar
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0 votes

Sad 70's "Wa-wa" electric guitar riff - What is it called?

Your examples in the recordings are not wa wa, specifically not "wah-wah" effect pedal that is famously used on electric guitar. An example of wah-wah pedal on electric guitar is Voodoo ...
Michael Curtis's user avatar
4 votes

Sad 70's "Wa-wa" electric guitar riff - What is it called?

It is not a wah wah in either case. The descending pitches in both cases may fool you into thinking it is. They also account for what you hear as a “sad” sound although that is a subjective ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
1 vote

Sad 70's "Wa-wa" electric guitar riff - What is it called?

Certainly not wah wah. Just slide down, with a certain amount of distortion. Could be a let (bend) down, where the string is 'pre-bent', then allowed to return to the original fretted note. Or, ...
Tim's user avatar
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