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List of polychords

...If I play a mayor triad on the bVII grade of a minor chord I am playing a min11 chord I think by "grade" you mean "chord root." Also, when you say "a minor chord" I ...
Michael Curtis's user avatar
2 votes

Which notes are optional in jazz chords?

I'm going to assume that you are playing jazz guitar in a typical jazz context, which includes a bass player. Jazz bass lines tend to heavily feature the root and 5th. As a result, accompanying rhythm ...
Dave K's user avatar
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Humming to Brian Eno's "Needles in the Camel's Eye"

What you are humming is actually the top notes of the guitar chords of an 8 bar progression. Our ears tend to gravitate to the top notes when we hear chords. In this case the notes are better referred ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
1 vote

How chord functions using minor subdominant

...I have this idea that chords should be function as they were in the original form in the main key For exmaple Fm -Ab - G7 functions same as F -Am -G7 in ( C major ) I would appreciate if anyone ...
Michael Curtis's user avatar
1 vote

Humming to Brian Eno's "Needles in the Camel's Eye"

A principal element in music is not pitch in and of itself, but the interval– the "distance" – between pitches. Each interval has a characteristic sound that is distinct from other intervals....
Aaron's user avatar
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