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List of polychords

...If I play a mayor triad on the bVII grade of a minor chord I am playing a min11 chord I think by "grade" you mean "chord root." Also, when you say "a minor chord" I ...
Michael Curtis's user avatar
-1 votes

Why are measures (aka "bars") important?

Others have explained this in much detail, but I thought since I saw you mention DAW, that I might take another viewpoint. In the old days (1980's for me) there were simple trackers (THEN, a kind of ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 19
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How chord functions using minor subdominant

...I have this idea that chords should be function as they were in the original form in the main key For exmaple Fm -Ab - G7 functions same as F -Am -G7 in ( C major ) I would appreciate if anyone ...
Michael Curtis's user avatar
2 votes

Which notes are optional in jazz chords?

I'm going to assume that you are playing jazz guitar in a typical jazz context, which includes a bass player. Jazz bass lines tend to heavily feature the root and 5th. As a result, accompanying rhythm ...
Dave K's user avatar
  • 21
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Humming to Brian Eno's "Needles in the Camel's Eye"

What you are humming is actually the top notes of the guitar chords of an 8 bar progression. Our ears tend to gravitate to the top notes when we hear chords. In this case the notes are better referred ...
John Belzaguy's user avatar
1 vote

Humming to Brian Eno's "Needles in the Camel's Eye"

A principal element in music is not pitch in and of itself, but the interval– the "distance" – between pitches. Each interval has a characteristic sound that is distinct from other intervals....
Aaron's user avatar
  • 92.4k
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Why does my melody use only the white keys on the piano?

Your melody is almost entirely pentatonic. Also, it reminds me of the song Sakura, from the rhythm and the way you repeat the opening motif. Is kind of ironic that you are having trouble using the &...
Michael Curtis's user avatar
0 votes

Why does my melody use only the white keys on the piano?

We expect the music to have a center. That center, is called tonal center, a tone to which every other tone returns (this is what our ears expect). The fact that you use only white keys is very normal,...
Arshia Firouz's user avatar

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