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Dave Guenther's user avatar
Dave Guenther
  • Member for 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Olney, MD, USA

Updated July 2018

Hello! I have a computer science background and I work in the data science field (particularly in data pre-processing and visual analytics) and enjoy playing with data sets using Python. I am also an electronics hobbyist/enthusiast - particularly audio electronics/modular synthesis.

I enjoy making toys for my three kids. Here is a peek at a few of them:

Toddler Synth: This is very rough and doesn't play like an instrument (there are no exponential converters), but rather it just makes noise with 1 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), 2 Low Frequency Oscillators (LFOs), and 1 Voltage Controlled Amplified (VCA).

Here is a YouTube video link to the lime-lapse build with a demo at the end. Toddler Synth Build and Demo

Guenther Chiptune: This is a DIY MIDI capable Arduino controlled monophonic semi-modular analog synthesizer. It has 4 VCOs (2 Audio, one Sub-audio and one hybrid that switches between either), a 4-pole low pass filter, 1 VCA and two envelope generators (AR1 and AR2). It also has an arpeggiator built in to add some videogame-esque sounds. This project took about a year to plan and build and was worth every second!

Here is a YouTube video link to the build with demo at the end. Guenther Chiptune Build/Demo

Someday I'd like to get into robotics, particularly as my kids get a little older, but first I'll play with analog electronics for a bit. :)

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