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Caleb Hines's user avatar
Caleb Hines's user avatar
Caleb Hines
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • St. Louis, MO
6 votes

Rendering lilypond score into html page

4 votes

How to get started recording music with Reaper?

14 votes

What is the significance of Pythagorean comma (as in why is there a need to end in the same place)?

1 vote

How to arpeggiate a seventh chord using only 3 notes?

16 votes

Why is the bass clef indicated twice on the same line in this Bartok piece?

2 votes

How to use ♭III in music composition?

17 votes

Why is it called a 9-8 suspension instead of 2-1 suspension?

29 votes

When did the half-step/whole-step modulation in the middle of a song become popular?

3 votes

Are there any composer instructions on how to play a melody?

2 votes

How to make my piece feel like a Presto

7 votes

What made 4/4 time the most common time signature?

9 votes

I wish you a merry Christmas: what is this chord progression called?

9 votes

Why is music taught by reading sheet music?

4 votes

What chords does Rule of the Octave use?

6 votes

In chord construction, in a Adim, for example, is it indifferrent to have instead of A, C, D#, have, A, C and Eb

9 votes

How to transcribe an arpeggiated 4-note chord to be playable on a violin?

11 votes

Can anyone put a name to this Circle of Fifths observation?

3 votes

Rootless chords in Beethoven sonata?

2 votes

Do accidental notes have their own name?

32 votes

When did the anonymous "you" become popular in western pop music?

3 votes

Placing the downbeats in this five-bar passage in Bach's Italian Concerto

10 votes

Why is bII 7(b5) considered a dominant?

15 votes

How common is the complete circle of fifths progression?

23 votes

What is a parallel mode?

6 votes

music publishing: Old notation vs modern notation

4 votes

What is the size of smallest flute?

18 votes

Is it fair to say the treble clef is optimized for piano?

10 votes

When did the half-step/whole-step modulation in the middle of a song become popular?

1 vote

timbre scale consonant

3 votes

How is initial "ps" pronounced in ecclesiastical Latin?

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