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MeanGreen's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

How to write triplets in 4/4 time without using a 3 on top of the notes all the time

7 votes

How to make the Bass in SATB move more smoothly?

6 votes

Can't seem to play this chord on fingerstyle

5 votes

How to know which areas of a new song to sing softly and which areas to sing loudly?

4 votes

Is there a noticeable difference in sound quality between a mechanical pipe organ and an electronic one?

4 votes

What is the symbol for "is the enharmonic equivalent of"?

4 votes

Is the main role of the bass guitar to give a pitch to the kick drum?

3 votes

Why do barre chords sound bad when I play them

3 votes

When playing an ostinato bass on the piano, how to make it sound consistent yet not boring?

1 vote

guitar tuning - note shifts after striking it

1 vote

How do I read the music when there are more beats in bar than the time signature specifies

0 votes

Band rehearsal over the internet

0 votes

Rhythm notation confusion

0 votes

Active noise cancellation effects on hearing

0 votes

why would a singing teacher never ask a person to do this?