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Peter's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Australia
15 votes

Advantage of 7-note based theory over 12-note alternative

11 votes

Collective word for sharps and flats in the key signature

11 votes

Is it true that the thumb should be always on top of the piano keyboard when playing?

10 votes

How can horns, most of which have only three buttons, play all their notes?

9 votes

Is 4th interval found at 3rd overtone?

8 votes

Brass Instrument Valve Order

6 votes

Different versions of mordents in Bach Invention No. 1 In C Major, BWV 772

6 votes

Breath marks and Ritardando with no notes

5 votes

Why is the range of the great highland bagpipe so limited?

4 votes

Which lines do I play in keyboard music that accompanies singing?

4 votes

What is the difference between a double fugue and a fugue with multiple countersubjects?

4 votes

Why not use only octave clefs?

4 votes

Piano Sheet Music: Two Voices - Same Note

3 votes

Eighth-note missing from score?

3 votes

Finding a scale from power chords

3 votes

Is it spelled "violincello" or "violoncello"?

2 votes

Why doesn't vocal music use C clefs nowadays?

2 votes

Distortion of intervals

2 votes

If you don't use Solfège, how do you read & memorize music-- what goes through your mind?

2 votes

Do brackets between staves indicating which hand to use apply to the entire measure?

1 vote

What is this chord in Schubert's D. 531?

1 vote

It it possible to find the equation of any melody, in principle?

1 vote

Piano pedaling notation

1 vote

Relation between size of larynx and lowest pitch and highest pitch possible

1 vote

Triplets and sixteenth notes

1 vote

How would these grace notes fit?

1 vote

How do brass instrument tune to non-fundamental notes?

1 vote

Why are there no cadences for the melody scale degree 4 and 6 in tonal harmony?

1 vote

Staccato and legato on a violin simultaneously?

1 vote

Augmented intervals